
Law of Action

The Law of Action: How It Relates To The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Action, just like the Law of Attraction, is one of the major 12 universal laws, and it means that you must take inspired action to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. When you use the Law of Attraction and send out thoughts of what you want in life, it’s important to match your vibration by acting as if you already have what you want. Your thoughts and desires can be thought of as intention, and you take action to match those intentions. Notice how in the word “attraction” there is the word “action” in it. When you use the Law of Attraction purposely, be sure to remember to take inspired action to reach your goals. Here are a few tips on how to attract what you want with inspired action:

1. Do what you love.

Think about your interests and hobbies or things you want to try. When you do what you love, it’s effortless and you attract more of what you love into your life or more opportunities that relate to it. The Law of Attraction and the Law of Action go hand-in-hand because when you do the things you love, you will attract more of it and that goes for your goals too. If you truly want to complete your goals for yourself and your happiness, you will be inspired to take action to achieve them. When there is no resistance to achieving your goals, you will do them effortless and achieve them effortlessly.

2. Keep a journal with you everywhere.

Make time to sit down and write out your thoughts. When you do this, you can pick out the thoughts that are hindering you from achieving your goals and change them. You can change them by turning them into positive thoughts or use them to create positive affirmations that you can repeat to yourself daily. Eventually, you’ll be able to reprogram your subconscious and conscious mind to be aligned with your desires. Your thoughts are important when using the Law of Attraction, and they are also important with the Law of Action. Without the intention to achieve your goals, you will not take inspired action to achieve them.

3. Meditate.

Whenever you feel stuck and feel that you’re unsure about your goals, take 15-20 minutes out of your day to spend on meditation. Meditation allows you to clear your mind and improve your focus. When you clear your mind, you also let go of any negative, hindering thoughts you have, which will help you know exactly what you want to do. If you’re a beginner with meditation, there may be thoughts that play in the background, but remember to just let them be and let them pass through your mind. Don’t focus on them. Focus on your breathing or counting to 10 repeatedly to keep your mind calm.

With inspired action, you will always feel good doing what you do. Remember that the Law of Attraction and Law of Action are two of 12 universal laws, and they are working constantly. Everything you do and attract is effortless as long as you truly want it.

Mastering the Law of Attraction
  • Learn how to Raise Your Vibration.
  • Improve Visualization.
  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs.

How to Meditate
  • Find out how simple meditation is.
  • Learn an easy way to meditate.
  • Feel the special energy of meditation.

Discover and Do What You Love
  • Determine what it is that you love to do.
  • Become a strong and powerful person.
  • Live a life of abundance.