
15 Traits of Successful People Using the Law of Success

The Law of Success was defined by Napoleon Hill’s popular book The Law of Success in 16 Lessons. The Law of Success basically outlines the traits of successful people and how others can obtain those traits. The traits of success and their meanings are:

1. Purpose

A specific, definite purpose is needed to give your mind and heart direction instead of wandering around aimlessly. You’ll know what you’re going after and you won’t separate from it.

2. Self-Confidence

Everyone has six basic fears in them: poverty, bad health, aging, criticism, losing a loved one, and death. In order to achieve self-confidence, each person needs to overcome these basic fears and believe in whatever they set out to do.

3. Savings

In order to be successful, getting in the habit of saving a part of your income and watching it grow steadily is crucial. Over time, the money saved grows and you can earn interest from it, which means more money for you.

4. Initiative and Leadership

Without the self-confidence to take action and execute your plans, you cannot lead others. But if you know what you’re going to do each day and how you’ll delegate those tasks, you hone your skills as a leader and naturally take the initiative to make things happen.

5. Imagination

Imagination is boundless, and it’s how people can draw out their creativity and use it to help them accomplish goals. You can create ideas and plans to help you reach your goals and purpose. You can also create new ideas from old ones or apply old ideas in different ways.

6. Enthusiasm

In order to be successful, you need to have others’ support for your purpose. You need to be able to be enthusiastic about your goals, project or purpose and influence others to help you.

7. Self-Control

You want to control your enthusiasm and make sure that you’re directing it at the right place. Aiming everywhere with your enthusiasm can cause you to lose it and miss opportunities that will help your purpose.

8. Doing More Than Paid For

Successful leaders focus on the return on investments rather than how much they’re paid for the work they do. The more work and better work you do without being paid for it, you will get more in return in the end.

9. Having a Pleasing Personality

You should be able to adapt to any environment and transform yourself into another person when the situation calls for it is. By doing so, you’re able to influence people and make them feel comfortable around you, which is important since you want people to support your purpose.

10. Accurate Thinking

Accurate thinking means that you know how to decipher and separate information into important and unimportant facts. You should know how to use the important facts you’ve gathered and put it into workable plans.

11. Concentration

Doing one thing at a time until you’ve accomplished it is the true nature of concentration. Focusing on one goal at a time until you’ve achieved it 100 percent allows you to organize your thoughts better and achieve more goals in less time.

12. Cooperation

Teamwork is important because, as a leader, you must know how to get everyone to cooperate and contribute their skills and knowledge to a project. It’s also important to ensure that each person on your team has zero negativity in their mind in order to make the teamwork successful, including yourself.

13. Profiting by Failure

Instead of beating yourself up from your mistakes, profit from them instead. You can use your past mistakes as stepping stones to your ultimate success. Every mistake can be a blessing in disguise, so don’t leave a stone unturned!

14. Tolerance

There are many people who come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs as you do. But in order to reach your goals, you must tolerate the racial and religious backgrounds everyone has; they don’t have anything to do with your goals, so dismiss any prejudice you have about others and use the skills and knowledge you need from them.

15. The Golden Rule

Treat others how you want to be treated. If you want to be treated with respect, you must respect others first and they will respect you.

From having a purpose to applying the Golden Rule, the15 traits that make a true leader and successful person are what you need to get what you want. With the Law of Success, you can use it as a guideline to help you reach all your goals and be successful.

Our products on success can help you finally achieve what you want in life, so please take a look at a few of our products regarding success:

Life Success
  • Let go of the struggle.
  • Reach your goals.
  • Follow the path of your true purpose.

You Deserve Success
  • Get motivated to be productive.
  • Improved confidence in yourself.
  • Causes you to get into a successful mindset.