Self Improvement

5 Tips To Supercharge Your Motivation

Motivation comes from knowing exactly what you want to do and having an unquenchable, burning desire to do whatever it takes to get it. Motivation drives you toward your dreams.

Here are 5 top tips to help you supercharge your motivation:

1. Make a vision board.

Fill it with images of your goals. All the things you want, your dream home, your dream car, the place you want to live. Be sure to include pictures of vacations you want to take, going first-class of course, the clothes you want to wear, fine restaurants you want to dine in – anything you can imagine that gets your heart pumping.


If you want to change your life for the better then you need to get in touch with reality, where you’re at now. Being honest is the first step toward achieving self-esteem. Being apathetic to the realities of your financial situation, the career you’re in, or the place you are in keeps you stuck in the same place. When you take a good hard look at what’s really happening in your life, you’ll discover a drive and determination that comes from a deeper place. This is a moving “away from” approach. But sometimes, that’s just what you might need to get started heading toward what you really want.

3. Recognize the value of time, by Becoming Organized.

Time is the only asset you have that you can never recreate. You can lose everything else, your job, money, even spouses and replace them … but time is something that you can’t get back. How much time do you spend wastefully? Begin to account for your time. If you want to create change it’s going to require you to do something different with your time. Start to substitute the time you spend on irrelevancies: Television, newspapers, surfing the internet, long-winded conversations, doing things to better yourself. You have a limited amount of time on Earth. You don’t know how much time you have – no one does. So, make your time count and that means starting from right NOW.

4. Be Your Own Unique Person. Become The New You.

If you think about all the great people who have become major successes in life, you’ll come to realize that most of these people are quite different from the norm. They don’t act the same way. They don’t do the same things as what we might consider the norm. They have huge ambitions and they get way outside of the box to work toward their purpose. They have something unique to say and offer to the world and people look up to them. Dare to follow a different path. Do NOT follow what everyone else is doing, because you are only setting yourself up for a life of a boring, fearful little follower, blindly going along in an ordinary life of dullness. Be a leader, a warrior who possesses the guts to be distinctively you and to do what you want to do and make your dreams happen. Be more like a tiger.

5. Conquer your fear and anxiety.

Fear is a learned response. We were not born fearing anything. We get fear from having negative experiences to things and that creates anxiety that it will always be that way. But it doesn’t have to be. You can unlearn what you have learned. One simple way to do that is to work up to facing your big fears by breaking it down into smaller pieces. If you are afraid to speak in public in front of 100 or so people, which many people are, then begin by speaking to 2 or 3 people … then keep adding. Eventually you’ll desensitize yourself from your fears the more you take on the things that you are fearful of. Sometimes though, you just have to jump right into the deep end head first and that is one sure way to overcome it much more quickly.

Of course, as always, Hypnosis is an incredible tool for helping you to get and stay motivated.

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