Anxieties and FearsHypnosis

How To Overcome Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety, commonly known as “stage fright”, is an experience that many people tend to have difficulties dealing with. Performance anxiety is a kind of fear that arises when an individual is faced with the situation, or potential situation, of having to perform in front of a large crowd of people. It doesn’t matter whether the activity involved is big or small; even an act as simple as having to stand in front of a crowd can easily trigger performance anxiety.


Even the most confident and experienced people can still suffer from performance anxiety. And without strong mental conditioning, the effects of stage fright can be much more devastating for normal people who aren’t used to performing in front of large crowds at all.


performance anxiety


One of the best ways to combat performance anxiety, as cliche as it may seem, is to come prepared for your performance. Before going into the battlefield, one must be able to anticipate everything that might happen and prepare for the worst by trying to be the best. Rehearsing and practicing over and over again until you are comfortable enough to forget about the performance  is probably your best defense against stage fright. Practice will give you confidence and a confident performer will have a mental fortitude enough to withstand anxiety attacks.


Having supreme confidence is important in overcoming perfomance anxiety because it will serve as your defense against any fears that you might have. If you don’t have confidence in your abilities, it will be easier for you to breakdown and feal anxious when you perform. Confidence can only be gained through a strong mental fortitude built through hours, days,  even weeks, of continuous practice. Aside from that, one can also build a defense against performance anxiety by strengthening his or her mental fortitude through meditation and self-hypnosis.


If you are interested to know more about how meditation and hypnosis can help strengthen your mental fortitude in order to repel performance anxiety, you can also check out this hypnosis download on how to overcome stage frightLearn to feel comfortable and confident in front of an audience and give yourself the ability to have the best performance every time you step onto the stage.

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