
Improved Athletic Performance Is Possible with Mind Conditioning And Hypnosis

Top-tier athletes know that training only the body and ignoring the mind will result to only a mediocre performance. Champions are not made overnight – and they are armed with improved concentration, clear focus on goal achievement, the ability to visualize, and most importantly, a strong frame of mind. Improved athletic performance is not a product of physical training alone – many sports psychologists will even say that majority of an athlete’s performance is due to positive attitude and mental condition.

Improved Athletic Performance Is Directly Proportional To Mental Conditioning

Improved athletic performance is directly proportional to one’s mental condition. Visualization can also provide an essential element to achieving success. Mental rehearsal before the performance can lead to increased confidence during the performance. Visualization at the moment of performance can also produce dramatic results.

Imagery should include all the senses, and not be limited to just the visual. A diver, for example, would “see” the form of the dive, “smell” the chlorine, feel the wetness of entering the water, and hear the cheers of the crowd. Perfection requires the use of all senses – and mental sense is certainly on top of the most important senses that you got to develop.

Many professionals employ some form of self-hypnosis to help them achieve their success. Mary Lou Retton, for example was only 16 when she won the gold medal in 1984. The night before the competition, she laid in be and mentally rehearsed her performance. Just as she had many times before, she imagined herself going through the routine. She saw her body performing the moves; she felt the impact as her hands grabbed the bars. She imagined herself performing all her routines perfectly–seeing herself in her mind, going through all the moves with charm, poise and confidence. The result was a perfect performance, and a gold medal.


If you are interested to learn how you can leverage the power of your mind for improved athletic performance, practicing self-hypnosis is one of the most effective methods that you can try. Improved athletic performance starts with the right frame of mind – you have to first build a strong mental attitude and success will soon follow!


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