HypnosisLuck and Fortune

How To Move On Past Bad Luck?

At times, there are moments when we feel like the past is haunting us. From bad decisions to things that we regret, there can be times when we can’t move on past yesterday and it can be really troublesome. The thing is, the inability to move on from the past can sometimes cause us to believe that we are having “bad luck”. This bad luck that we carry into our present and future endeavors can hinder us from achieving our true potential in life.


So how do we move on past this “bad luck”?




To move on past this bad luck, we have to go deep into the root of the problem. Simply put, it is our inability to accept our bad decisions and the inability to live with our regrets that affect our present and future outlook in life. It is like we are carrying a heavy baggage wherever we go, and it hinders our ability to achieve our fullest potential. Bad luck can be a combination of misfortune and being unlucky, but ultimately it is our inability to think positive that can bring us bad fortunes. Remember the article about the Law of Attraction that we once talked about?  If you think only of bad things and negativity, chances are you won’t be able to attract bad luck and improve your fortunes


Think about various situations in your life that could have turned out lucky for you, where in hindsight as you look back on these situations, had you acted differently, it would have been lucky for you. Can you think of a situation like that? You now have the ability to move on past bad luck by changing your state of mind. By trying to think positive instead of sulking over the past, you will be able to drastically improve your fortune and attract good luck!

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