
What’s New – What’s Being Worked On

Today’s blog post is just going to be a lot of random thoughts that will peer deeply into the mind of Victoria at 3:00 A.M. Friday morning on the East Coast. Why do I insist on continuing to stay up so late?

So, this week, I announced three new products: Feel Good Energy, Wake up Early, and Stop Sugary Sweet Cravings. I’m so happy to be back on a roll with writing and recording again. It has really worked out well for me to cut out the time between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM to write and record.

When I first got back into the hypnosis writing zone again, I don’t know what I was thinking in that I could get a couple new hypnosis scripts written AND recorded during that four hour period, plus be able to bang out a YouTube video to boot.

You see, this is why I need a strong assistant. Because if I had all day to blog, and write, and do youtube and record, I could get it all done the way I want to. But, I still have not encountered the right person who can juggle in 4 – 6 hours a day, the things I manage to do in 1 hour … and I’m just not going down that road again, interviewing, training, thinking I’m getting somewhere with someone, and then ultimately feeling the dissatisfaction that has come from the lack of Victoria-ness I find in my trainees. So, this is why I decided to divide my day up and put my admin hat on in the morning … and my creative hat on in the afternoon and I gotta say it’s working just fine for now.

When Victoria is ready, the assistant will appear.

So far, in the past 3 weeks since I’ve been doing this new schedule … I have released three new products. I got 3 more written and recorded last week. Oh yeah, I also have a video in production, so that’s seven I’ve recorded … and this week I have written three new programs that I will get recorded tomorrow. So, it’s averaging out to about 3 a week … Not bad at all.

My next step is to turn Friday into a day at the recording studio … and I’ll save up all my scripts and do my recordings on Fridays and I think that will make for a much more productive experience. And even better recordings.

I’m excited about the recent project I started working on today. It came as a result of taking a meditation class with my husband. Hypnosis is great. But, meditation is also very wonderful and I think people will enjoy some of my guidance in that area as well.

I’ve actually started to fit in 15 minutes of daily meditation into my day … so … it’s all about getting that balance between everything in my life. I really feel that when I am in balance …. everything grows and flourishes … my relationship, business … and even my fitness routine … so many things to juggle but it’s good to find a way to fit all the piece of my life together and I find that it is paying off in the way that I just generally feel happy with how things are working right now.

So, a much more personal and private entry than usual … Time for bed!

One thought on “What’s New – What’s Being Worked On

  • RE Meditation:
    I’ve been using the Live Peacefully in the Moment tape mainly because it’s a nice aid to meditation practice. I actually was surprised at how it mostly worked well the concepts & practice of Vipassanna meditation. There are a few things that are said that tend to focus on desire that don’t fit but I can tell that you have some familiarity with meditation.
    Actually I thought that hypnosis might be a good aid to my practice because I was having a hard time getting focused & concentrating after meditating daily for 4+ years. It’s worked very well. Thanks. LPM and “Mind Clearing” have been what I’ve used for the most part.

    Guided meditation session are used quite a bit in Buddhist practice. If you listen to a few (I recommend Dharmaseed.org or audiodharma.org for lots of great talks) you’ll get the feel of how they flow. I think it will help you not only in making better sessions but also personally with your own meditation. One difference I’ve notice is that there are more silent pauses. Also the core benefit of meditation is to reduce the “suffering” caused by the mind as it reacts to thoughts with greed, hate, or delusion. So stimulating suggestions shouldn’t be used. Likewise too much relaxation (“sleepiness”) isn’t the goal.

    Finally there are several main kinds of meditation practice: concentration, mindfulness, and loving kindness. All of them would make great themes for a session. A whole set would be great.

    As personal aside I’d love to have an option to buy audio session without the music & sounds. I know it adds to the atmosphere but your lovely voice is quite enough.


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