
Why you may be getting the opposite of what you want!

Here’s a question a client recently asked:

i have tried to do what you said and ran into something that seems to always happen and that is that when i do my best to think positive for some reason the negative always seems to happen and when i think the negative the positive happens. i have no explanation for this do you. let me give you an example when i go to work on a job and evaluate it i say to myself well this won’t take long and always it takes twice as long as i thought and when i think that a job will take some time it seems to not take as long as i thought. i am at a loss as to what to think. so confused

The problem is in your communication.

Most people really have no idea how to program their minds to do what they want.

As a matter of fact, we learn at a very young age to speak about and think about and therefore feel the negative.

Here’s a perfect example that:

First off, you’re validating that it “ALWAYS HAPPENS”

The more you keep saying that, the more true it becomes for you.

Secondly, the “take long” is the key IDEA in that sentence … The subconscious mind doesn’t know words like WONT, DON’T, NOT, NO, NEVER …, so yes, you ARE creating the exact opposite of what you want by the mere mention of what you say you DON’T WANT. You need to say what you DO want.

For example: “This will only take a short time” … like when you said “some” time … it’s vague … but I think it’s pretty congruent that “Some time” is probably considerably less than a “Long Time” Wouldn’t you agree?

You are giving yourself direct suggestions and your mind is acting exactly in accordance WITH those suggestions.

Hey, I even had to catch myself today … I was having a couple little temporary moment of frustration and said “The universe is really holding me back today” I’m pretty quick at catching myself though and immediately caught it and changed it to … “The universe is doing everything in it’s power to support me today.” And what a difference it has made in my day.

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