HypnosisWeight Loss and Health

How To Set Your Mind For A Long Run

Running, just like any other sport or athletic activity, takes a huge toll on our physical body. But more than the physical work, it is the mental toll of running that can really put a lot of people in an uncomfortable place. Sometimes, the mental battle is where one truly feels stressed and weary. Can I really do this long run? Should I wake up early morning to train? How long until I am able to run without getting tired easily? These questions, among the few, can really set you back if you don’t have the right training not only for your body but more importantly for your mind.


As what many athletes would say, most of the time it is the mental battle that is the toughest. Our body is designed to physically withstand continuous strain. This means that as long as we keep on training our physical body, it will respond to the stimulus and adapt to the stress that you are applying to it. However, the mind is not always the same. Sometimes, if you apply continuous stress to the mind, it will fold and suffer because of the stress you are giving it. Without a determined nature and strong mental state, you cannot really reach the full potential of your pjysical body, which can be detrimental to your running.




Whether you are running only for fitness or for competition, training your mental state and learning how to set your mind into “training mode” is essential. Without a strong frame of mind , your subconscious will fold into the pressure and you will not be able to achieve your true running potential. Self-hypnosis is a great mind conditioning activity that you can do in order to improve your mind conditioning and self-confidence. Practicing it ven a few minutes a day can really help you improve a lot when it comes to setting your mind for a long and arduous run.


If you are interested to know more about self-hypnosis for running, you can also check this  hypnosis download out to get you started in the right direction.

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