
Law of Attraction and Physics

The Law of Attraction says to live in the knowledge that you are getting what you VIBRATE. It may seem like a feel-good philosophy and nothing more. You might think it is worth considering, but not something that exists in nature. However, the Law of Attraction is based upon the science of physics.

The Law of Attraction and quantum physics shows us that all in the universe is made of energy. This includes both what we call “solid” objects and something as ethereal as thoughts. The truth is that even so-called solid objects have a high percentage of empty space in them. They are made up of energy. The Law of Attraction takes this fact into account.

The Law of Attraction is based upon the fact that the energy in our bodies and minds are always vibrating. This makes wavelengths of different frequencies. We send these frequencies out from ourselves into the world.

Law Of Attraction Is Universal

The world itself, in fact, the whole universe, is all made of energy as well. So, the whole UNIVERSE is constantly vibrating. And as such, it is always full of possibilities. Our individual frequencies circulate throughout this vast environment of vibrating energy. The Law of Attraction says energy draws to it energy like itself.

Once our vibration frequencies are emitted, they attract frequencies that are like them. So, you are constantly using the Law of Attraction to attract things to you. If you are sending out negative vibrations, you will attract things that feel negative. This is because, by the Law of Attraction, those negative frequencies are attracted to each other, bringing back negatively charged experiences that match the negative vibration you are carrying.

You can deliberately use the Law of Attraction to focus your thoughts and your being toward a positive outcome. The frequencies you emit attract other positively charged experiences and return to you as a positive result. This is not simply a matter of wishful thinking.

It involves living in the state you choose for yourself. You don’t need to start out with millions of dollars in the bank to feel wealthy. You can think, speak, and act like a millionaire. You DO need to believe that’s what you are deep inside. The Law of Attraction will work out the how, and show you through inspired thought and intuition what ACTION you need to take.

You need to feel excited by your choices for the Law of Attraction to work FOR you. That is because the level of excitement determines the level of vibration you are sending out. If you choose something in a half-hearted way, it will return to you in the same way.

However, if you are excited by your choice, you will increase the power of your vibrational frequency. You will start to see the results you have been manifesting. You must do what you can to maintain your positive vibration. This will help you to turn your dreams into reality by the Law of Attraction.

On the other hand, if you complain about something, or fight against something, that is the thing you will bring to yourself. The Law of Attraction works this way because the universe only has a way of grouping like with like. Your negativity about a subject will return to you as more negative results for that subject.

Several people with doctorates in physics have studied the power of the Law of Attraction. Many of them believe that the mind controls the universe. They believe that this is done through the Law of Attraction.

Here are a few products to help you to raise your vibration so you can begin to use the Law of Attraction in your favor:


7 thoughts on “Law of Attraction and Physics

  • Paul Franklin

    “Several people with doctorates in physics have studied the power of the Law of Attraction. Many of them believe that the mind controls the universe.”

    Ah, degree mills, how wonderful. Nothing quite like a spurious doctorate to confer respectability on pseudoscientific claptrap.

  • David Eloka

    This is quite inspiring.

  • Jannine Shapiro

    it seems to me that we ARE able to manifest things according to our thoughts, but i do not believe that everything that happens to us is under our control- because i do believe there is a higher power, God, who does determine some things over which we do not have control. However we can still maintain the ability to influence the rest. but i do not believe that, even if we do manifest our needs and desires that it is all our doing and i don’t believe that we should always manifest everything we think we need and desire because we are not always right in our choices of what we think we need or desire so i would always add to whatever i want to manifest-if it is Your will,God of my understanding, because i know that YOU are all-knowing so that if whatever am wanting to manifest would NOT be good for me or others, that it does not…….and that only what is Your Will does…..

    • I totally understand your beliefs and concerns here. I do. But let’s play with the idea maybe that God created us so that he could “play” and have all kinds of experiences through us as human beings and to be able to experience the himself fully, he needs to sorta use us as instruments to fulfill all that he desires. That being said … where does this “desire” come from in the first place? I believe if we are in the right place in our life and ready to fulfill our purpose than, desires are divinely born and it is up to us to connect with the Universe to carry out that which we desire. Typically this will feel good. It will feel natural. It will be in direct opposition of that which makes us feel bad or sad or frustrated or depressed or confused.

  • So true…..our minds create our realities. Physicists are starting to see how powerful the human mind really is. It truly is one of biggest blessing God gave to us.

  • The very basis of the law of attraction which works either you believe it or not, know it or not and work with it or not is something that still baffle some people.

    They don’t understand that the law of attraction has and always will work in their life, it’s just that they used the law of attraction to work against them, when all they had to do is change their thought pattern to make it for them.

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