
New Hypnosis Ideas From Survey

Here are the results from the Recent Hypnosis Survey to “Create Your Own Idea”

And The Winner was “Stop Junk Food Eating” and this product is already in progress now.

      Become a Native speaker of English


      Remote Seduction


      Lower Cholesterol (or Healthy Cholesterol Level, something along those lines)


      Developing Faith


      Meth Addiction


      Healing negative societal conditioning in respect of sex and sexuality


      Psychic Self-Defense – Robert Bruce’s


      True Sexual Identity/overcome Shame/Guilt associated with Sexual


      15 minutes of Sexual Dynamite for Men


      Getting out of a rut. Shake up and make changes in your life.


      Access advanced mental powers


      shrink Prostate.


      Stop Picking at Acne.


      improve tennis


      exeeded fear of refusal


      Increase Fertility


      Pure thoughts – they say you are what you are what you think.


      Law of Attraction: ENERGY IN MOTION


      Learn to Laugh at Yourself/Sense of humor/Take Self-Less Seriously


      Healing Lyme Disease


      Let your inner light shine through [email protected]


      Overcome Fear of Love


      Overcome Fear of Commitment


      Be Brave Now


      “Be Confident in dancing”/or “Confident Dancer”.


      Experience Your Deepest Sexual Fantasies


      Realize Your Best Voice/Authentic Self


      improve typing skills


      slow down time/improve reaction time and accuracy


      Dealing with ADHD as an Adult


      Reaching A Deep Meditative State – Awake & Aware Without Mental Chatter


      1. Stop clenching teeth at night


      2. Reduce herpes outbreaks


      3. Overcome painful sex


      5. Love others


      6. Fall in head over heals in love with your spouse


      Release the blues


      Believe in Yourself




      Have Glowing Relationships


      Invite Love in


      Accept Yourself


      Shush Negativity


      Attract Loving Vibes


      Give off Loving Vibes


      Stand out from the Crowd


      Know You’re Loved


      Inspirational Ideas


      Be an Asset to Your Boss


      Generate Warmth in Relationships


      Find Your Voice


      Abundance Everywhere


      Instant Samadhi – like Circles of Energy


      Stop Verbal Abuse


      Becoming aware of sexual signs of attractions


      Another would be “increase gentle sexual sensitivity for men”.


      Fear of Heights combined with Fear of Falling


      Fear of Losing Control & Fear of Falling


      Always be in the right place at the right time


      grow longer eyelashes


      You Are the Best Teacher


      1)Weightloss with Hypothyroidism and Gluten Sensitvity.


      2)Living in the power of your femininity.


      Facilitate Out of Body Experience:


      20 mins talking with your highest self and getting the best answer on any issue!


      Teeth Whitening


      Helping to Negate Anxiety In Social & Professional Settings!




      Instant sex appeal


      Silver tongued / change speaking voice / NLP




      Coping with gried


      make your dreams a reality, or realizing your dreams.


      I like to have more self control


      Increase penis sensitivity


      Enjoy pleasure in you penis


      Release Childhood Trauma




      a mantra for peace one that keeps ringing in your head like the jingle you heard and can’t shake


      End the Flight or Fight reaction.


      Astral travel set/something wider than the audio in your “Develop your psychic abilities”


      Living in the Now: Present Moment Awareness


      Channel Your Master Musician – Guitar


      to be able to set goals and expand


      How to Manifest Anything based on Spirituality.


      Growing from abuse


      Out of body experience


      Alpha Male






      Enhance Your Confidence whilst Driving.


      Attracting women


      Easy Writing Flow/No Writer’s Block


      Resilience and serenity for stepmums (-parents)


      Coping with break-up/divorce


      Animal Communication


      Open Your Third Eye


      The proper way to learn self hypnosis, to be effective with one’s self emprovement.


      Becoming one with your intuition.


      Eliminate nighttime eating;


      Go to bed earlier;


      Improve bowling


      Lose 10kg. [email protected]


      Build Muscle and Burn the Fat


      working through grief


      Self Acceptance – As I Am Now


      improve guitar playing


      Photographic Memory; Be Smart and Remember Everything; Stop Nail Biting/Stop Scratching and Picking; Eliminate Sweets


      designing your life. Knowing what you really want, or what would make you happy


      Martial arts


      overcome ritatabilty


      (1) Bucket List – achieve those things you’ve always wanted to do before you die.


      (2) Become a world traveler


      (3) Go back to college, get a degree (for adults)


      How to find the perfect job.


      Improve your mind: Both logical and creative.


      stock-options trading .t advertise inpublications such as “stock and commodites” magazine


      Finding your ideal target market


      Confidence performing in the bedroom .and stamina too


      overcome diabetes


      Confidence for care givers


      Reuniting with an ex-spouse when you both realize it was a mistake


      10th Step of Alcholics Anonymous “taking a daily inventory” acknowledging aily wrong doings,


      Master self hypnosis


      Longer induction / get into a nice deep trance


      Law of Attraction or Attract Abundance


      Gender Change


      Permanent hair removal


      Become more of a humanitarian / more environmentally aware.


      Artistic ability vs. Enhance Creativity specific Drawing. Painting. Sculpting


      The idea that I can drastically increase my abilities appeals to me!


      Overcoming Sub-Conscious Self-Limiting Beliefs


      Embracing a Menage A Trois


      Total Contentment NOW


      Learning to Deal with Difficult, Negative people


      Teeth grinding


      Break habits (skin picking, hair pulling, etc)


      My last goal is to make a movie Sci-Fi included Deaf. Before my old ages come soon.


      Self-hypnosis ability/confidence in own suggestions /come up with suggestions improve responsiveness /deeper trance.


      A program that would help for times when purchased sessions are not available.


      Eliminate Neediness / think more of you than what others think of you.


      Develop Self-Esteem In The Face of Shame


      learning to deal with visions


      Dissolve feelings of guilt


      Enjoy Being in the Moment / Live in the Now


      Creative Mind Self-Conditioning for financial abundance


      Continuing Excellent Health


      more in the Relaxtion series


      Be a great parent!


      Speak to your child’s subconscious/positive affirmations / confident, successful


      Aware of beliefs/don’t pass negative ones on to your children.


      Living in the Now. Many of the authors I read describe the illusion of time, no real past or future, more a spacious now. Might be difficult to do a hypnosis track on the subject; but would definitely be one I buy.


      Open up your Third Eye


      Appreciate the balance of life


      Overcome Negative Energy


      I’ve read your more open just as your falling asleep


      wake up and feel life is worth it and so am I.


      Master Negotiator


      Make $1000 or more in the next 24 hours!


      Teaching of spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle




      Conscious Awareness


      I would like to see more sexual hypnosis 🙂


      Create an emotional connection of being loved and valued by that womanly voice.


      Now ive won the lottery im going to shine.


      Release old patterns, bad habits.


      Renewal of energy


      Being feminine and powerful.


      Be articulate, stand up for yourself.


      become a writer


      End or Get Out of Abusive Relationships


      Figure sculpting/smaller waist/wider hips/hourglass figure


    Change your hair/straight/curly hair

If you see one of the above ideas that you like, please leave a comment below with the ideas from above that you like.

4 thoughts on “New Hypnosis Ideas From Survey

  • Lotus4

    so my suggestions to add to the already long list is:

    -transforming your amalgam fillings into a source of health or at least neutralizing it’s toxicity so you don’t need to remove them.

    -remineralizing teeth / heal cavities

    -stop caring what other people think of you

    -speak and understand all the languages you were native to in past lives.

    – having energetic cords of attachment dissolved or removed from your chakra’s

    – entity removal/ clearing from aura

    – clearing of negative thought forms (would be interesting if you could investigate on the subject as to be more specific towards the subconscious mind, so it’s not too general in talking about ‘negative energy’)

    – produce only thoughts that focus on what you want (LOA)

    – heal your inner child

    – feel grounded and centered in your body and on the earth

    – release your resistance (to fear) (the law of non-resistance http://www.sacred-texts.com/nth/shinn/gol/gol04.htm )

    – visualize yourself in the worst-case scenario you have already experienced or can imagine whilst feeling relaxed, so you can make a new positive association with your biggest fear.

    -meet your soulmate and make it an incredible experience, like a medicine for your soul

    -reverse grey hair

    -unleash your charisma

    – activate all DNA strands

    -boost your immune system

    • admin

      Immune System and Charisma are already available …

      Really not looking for MORE new ideas as you can see I now have plenty to focus on .. just looking for a narrowing down rather of the already extremely long list … this can get a bit overwhelming. Thanks!

  • Really like the ideas on the list regarding fertility & pregnancy – think they would definitely be in demand.

    Also would like to add a session for regulating periods after being on the pill – I know lots of women have issues with this & that hypnosis can be very effective with regulating things.


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