
What if I Fall Asleep During Hypnosis?

“What if I Fall Asleep During Hypnosis?” I think this is the number one question I am asked.

Other ways the question has come up is:

“Is Hypnosis still effective if I fall asleep?”

So, let’s examine what is happening during sleep and what is happening during Hypnosis and how these are different “states” shall we?

Let me answer this by making a comparison between Jogging and Driving a Car.

The only similarity between Jogging and Driving a Car is that you are in motion. They serve two entirely different purposes.

So, if your purpose for being in motion is to burn calories, will you burn calories while you are driving a car? Actually, yes, you’ll burn a few. About the same amount I am burning right now, writing this article. But, if you’re serious about burning calories, you would jog, would you not? Even walking slowly, you’ll burn more calories than you will by driving really fast.

How does this relate to hypnosis?

Because you need to understand that thinking you are going to get any benefits out of doing hypnosis by falling asleep is like thinking you can drive and call it exercise. The Hypnotic State and the Sleep State are different levels of brain function and they serve two entirely different purposes.

Just like your body needs to expend energy in order to burn calories and make a physical change, your mind must be in the right state to optimize and experience the suggestions you are giving it. In other words, hypnosis requires your active participation.

Can we learn new material while asleep? The popular press has heralded sleep learning as an easy way to learn. Imagine playing a tape of course material while you sleep and waking the next morning with the material in your memory. Unfortunately, laboratory evidence reveals that although we may process some sensory information during sleep, as when we awaken to the sound of a fire alarm or a crying baby, we do not retain information for later recall. Some individuals who appeared to retain information from their sleep were actually awake, based on EEG records, during the playing of the tape. Thus sleep learning appears to be a myth born of wishful thinking (Badia, 1993).

In order for hypnosis to be effective, there are a few things to consider in understanding how your mind works:

  • Whatever it is that you desire to change in your life is going to require you to change your belief at the deepest level of mind, your subconscious level.
  • The subconscious mind does not respond the literal meaning of words. The subconscious mind responds to the images and the feelings that you associate with the words. When you hear the words money, health, love, relationships, etc … you quickly formulate a feeling or an image as you are hearing it consciously and it’s that feeling or image that “talks” to the subconscious mind.
  • It really does not matter whether or not you “feel” hypnotized or “deep”. What’s important is that you are focusing on your hypnosis session.
  • Also, you may notice your mind drifting off and that’s alright because as long as you are conscious, your brain is still in a very receptive mode and you are still getting the information. However, when you do notice you have your attention elsewhere, gently bring it back to focusing on your hypnosis session.

Hypnosis is like Exercise and Vitamins for your mind. If you are still of the mind set that there is a magic pill you can take to eat fattening foods and not work out and let the pill take care of your problems, then you may be frustrated to find that hypnosis also is not a magic pill. Hypnosis is an effective tool when used properly to make any kind of change imaginable. Hypnosis is simple, but yes, it does require your concentration, willingness, and dedication.

So, if you are committed to changing your life, Hypnosis may be just what you have been looking for.

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Stay Awake During Hypnosis

7 thoughts on “What if I Fall Asleep During Hypnosis?

  • I have questioned it to myself many times… Thank you for the answer.

  • kymberley

    Thats interesting, I have purchased some sublimal tapes and use them whilst I am working, they say you can use them whilst sleeping, working, reading a book or watching TV, is this the same thing? I know hypnosis is all about quieting the mind and focusing within so is this the difference or do you think subliminal affirmations should be concentrated on too?

  • adrian

    really enjoyed this article it clarified a lot! thank you as usual….
    one question though…..
    you say : if you are still of the mind set that there is a magic pill you can take to eat fattening foods and not work out and let the pill take care of your problems, then you may be frustrated to find that hypnosis also is not a magic pill. Hypnosis is an effective tool when used properly to make any kind of change imaginable.

    so exactly how is it then that one is able to change our bodies physically? ie one of your programmes are breast enlargement, another is height enhancement? surely is hypnosis not like that magical pill?


  • pumkin

    I always fall asleep when following along to hypnosis tapes like those by Paul McKenna. The first two or three times, I really felt like I was in a trance state and greatly benefited from the experience. But since then, and I’ve done this maybe 10-12 times since, I fall asleep almost immediately after the countdown. I then wake up as he’s counting to bring you out. I struggle not to fall asleep because I can’t do the imaging he asks you to do if I’m asleep. Yet every time I fall asleep. How can I stop this? I really enjoy the hypnosis and want to benefit from it.

    • admin

      Well, Einstein had this problem too and what he did was sit up while doing hypnosis. Then when that failed, he held a rock in the palm of his hand and if he slept it would fall to the floor and wake him up.

      I think it’s just a laziness people get in their minds, coming from not exercising the mind. Hypnosis really is a form of exercising the mind. Think of it like that. It does actually require some work on your part if you want to get the results you want.

      I think it’s important really to just ask yourself, how bad do I want this? Am I willing to do whatever it takes to stay awake.

      I ask people, pretend that the reward for staying awake the whole time was the relationship of your dreams, the vacation of your dreams, a million dollars, whatever is attractive to you. If it was going to be given to you the moment you opened your eyes, would you find a way to stay awake? How? That’s your answer.

  • This was very informative. Thank you

  • thank you for this wealth of information – i guess its down the drain with these sleepy hypnosis audios…


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