Weight Loss and Health

How To Get Rid of Your Junk Food Cravings

Junk food, as its name suggests, IS JUNK!

Many people enjoy eating  junk food, and I cannot blame them for doing so. Junk food manufacturers have mastered the art of how to create the tastiest and most delicious treats that will appeal to the taste of basically everyone. Ever wondered why those potato chips dipped in sour cream tasted so good? Or why that chocolate chip cookies seem to melt in your mouth like butter?

Of course, no one can stop you in trying to indulge yourself with junk foods. You have your own freedom and you can easily decide for yourself if you want to munch on junk foods or not. However, always think about your own health before you take in junk foods inside your body. You might be able to resists the bad effects of junk foods for now, but who knows what it will do to you 5 years from now? Or maybe 10 to 20 years from now? Do you want to get bed-ridden when you hit your 40’s just because your body is too weak to even enjoy a summer’s camping with your family?


1. Junk Food = Empty Calories

First of all, junk food are just full of calories that mean nothing. You want your calories to complete your body’s daily needs and junk foods don’t have that much of a nutritional value. Yes, you can have a bunch of calories to satisfy your hunger temporarily, but at the end of the day those calories come mostly from empty sugar, fats and carbs that will only make you fat.

2. Salty Junk Food Makes You Retain Water

Another thing that junk foods cause, especially the salty ones, is make you retain water. Because of this, you will feel bloated all day and feel like you have gained weight. This makes you move slower and makes you feel lazy and tired, as if you are carrying a heavy load (of water, that is) inside of you.

3. Junk Foods Are Unhealthy

This is pretty much the most straightforward explanation why you don’t want to eat junk foods. Because junk foods have very low nutritional value and they put in a lot of not-so-good ingredients into your body, you should try to avoid eating them whenever you can. Think of your body as a water pipe. Junk foods are the garbage that disrupts the proper flow of water in your pipe. As you go on eating them, you slowly fill yourself with garbage that makes it hard for you to function properly. And as time goes by, you will be clogged and helpless, unable to do things properly because you are too weak and unhealthy.


As always, prevention is better than cure. If you can learn at an early age how you can stop craving for junk foods to satisfy your hunger, you will have a much better change of living a healthier life especially when you are hitting your older years.

Avoiding your craving for junk foods is difficult if you don’t have the motivation and strength of character to do it. Most of the time, you will face certain “withdrawal” symptoms when you stop eating junk foods instantly. To prevent his, you must use the power of your mind to build the motivation to keep you from eating junk foods to satisfy your cravings. To help you accomplish this, one thing that you can follow is to have a steady diet of fruits to keep you filled whenever you feel the need to eat. Not only are fruits good substitute for junk foods, they can also add some benefits such as smoothen your skin or make your hair shinier.

Practicing hypnosis can help you build the power of your mind so you can resist your junk food cravings. As I always want to say, everything works through the universal law of “mind over matter”. If you seek help in strengthening your mind to be able to get rid of your junk food cravings, our Resist Junk Food Craving is a great way to get you started!

End Junk Food Cravings


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