Weight Loss and Health

Endurance Running – How To Acquire Your Second Wind?

Have you ever tried distance running?

If you are a health-conscious person who has joined several fitness events such as endurance running in the past, the concept of second wind will surely be familiar to you. According to Wikipedia, second wind is a phenomenon that happens when an athlete is too tired to continue and he or she suddenly finds the strength to continue running again, this time with even little effort exerted. But the question is, does the phenomenon of second wind really exist?

Does Second Wind Really Exist?

Many people have attested to experiencing the phenomenon of second wind, but can science really explain why this happens? According to some people, they experience second wind during the middle of a long race when their bodies can’t seem to push further anymore. During the point when they almost want to quit the race, the effect of second wind kicks in and they seem to enjoy the new found strength brought by this phenomenon.

According to some research studies, this phenomenon really exists. When we do activities such as running and weight training, our bodies build up lactic acid throughout our system. This can only be counteracted by having enough oxygen, which is the reason why people breathe faster when they are doing strenuous activities. When running long distances, the body has a delayed reaction in balancing the oxygen needed in order to counter the build up of lactic acid. This balancing act is the cause of the phenomenon of second wind which gives runners the needed strength in order to finish a long endurance race.

Some people also report that they do not experience the second wind phenomenon whenever they run. The reason behind this is that the response of the body to the balancing of oxygen might vary from one person to another, thus some people might experience it and some might not. The trick here is to have a strong mental disposition that will allow you to continue running even if you are starting to experience difficulties. Do not stop running! You can slow down your pace and conserve your energy, but if you stop running totally, you will never really experience the “runner’s high” often brought by the second-wind phenomenon.

Try having a strong mental disposition the next time you run and see if you experience your second wind! You can also check out our Hypnosis For Running MP3 to help you get started on your mind-conditioning goals.

Hypnosis For Running MP3

One thought on “Endurance Running – How To Acquire Your Second Wind?

  • I believe the idea of getting a second wind is also sometimes referred to as a runner’s high. There is a point of exhaustion where you feel you cannot go on anymore, then suddenly you feel exhilarated and ready for the next mile. I love when this happens and it always amazes me when I exceed my personal goals.


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