Law of Detachment
hypnosis download

Do you feel that you always need to be in control and that you do not enjoy life as a result?

Are you the type of person that needs to manage every aspect of your life?

The Law of Detachment hypnosis program can help you transition into a person that has more freedom, while still maintaining your normal level of motivation. You have so many goals that you set for yourself, and these goals can come to fruition without you micro-managing them. This hypnosis program can allow you to let go and to detach yourself. You can find that by letting go, and releasing your desires out into the world, the universe can help you manifest your goals and they can come back to you.

As you listen to this hypnosis program regularly, you can be more comfortable with the concept of detachment. By putting your desires out there, you can find that life can present you with opportunities that you would have not have thought about. Your confidence can continue to grow and you can be content with prospects that are presented to you.

Give yourself the amazing sense of freedom by implementing the concept of the Law of Detachment into your lifestyle. Learn to let go and have your life unfold in the natural way it was intended to.

hypnosis download
Law of Detachment
  • Let go of what doesn't matter.

  • Clarify your goals.

  • Gain contentment with yourself.


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latest reviews from our customers

I listened to this session for the recommended 30 days. I must admit, I don't feel any different as far as my confidence in manifesting goes. i have always struggled to let go of the attachment to my desired outcome and so far this hasn't really changed in any noticeable way. Perhaps it is something that needs more time.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
1.I asked Ms.Gallagher by email for a recommendation for a hypnosis.She suggested this one. Excellent customer service.
2.I used it for 30 days.
3. I needed a specific result and this worked for me!
4. I liked the calming opening. The wording and suggestions in the body were very good. I enjoyed the recording and found it easy to listen.
5. Quality product, as Ms Gallagher always delivers!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This program is a good complement to any Law of Attraction program. I prefer the Law of Detachment Meditation (I left a review for that program on this website); however, this has a longer induction so I get into a deeper state of trance before listening. Listening to this reminds me that I am a co-creator of my world and that the universe is not an impersonal place but an intelligent force. Knowing this makes it much easier to trust that what I want in life will come in the time and manner that is best for me.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Law of Detachment is an essential part for those who are practising the Law of Attraction. I purchased this session a long time ago, but it could not really work back then, because eventually I was suffering from severe anxiety and post-traumatic stress. Therefore, I had to address first those issues.
Now that I came back to this session again, I admit that it helped me a lot with my urgency to manifest the things I want, because I am not yet in the path I want to be. It also helped get some clarity for why I want the things I want. That was unexpected but very insightful.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have several hyptalk programs and this is one of my favorite. I am going through a big breakup and this has helped me a lot to let go and trust that things will turn out ok. This is one of my favorite sessions.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I know that Detaching is critical for the manifesting of the desires and 95% of my stuff has arrived when i forgot about it. Right now I'm having trouble detaching so j bought this recording cos I watched the Law of Detachment part 1 and 2 videos on YouTube by the artist.

I have listened twice and I feel more confident and relaxed. It has gotten me thinking about how I'd rather prioritise my sense of confidence and self worth over specific things or people as I tend to put the things I want on a pedestal which creates the feeling of need which pushes it away.

I will update if anything happens with my manifestations. I'm usually very good at manifesting I have a list of 39 things which I manifested. But lately I came undone due to a major setback and I lost my magic. I hope this will help bring it back and help me to see that this too happened for a reason
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This hypnosis session worked from the first time I listened to it. I am still listening to it as I have realised the past week that I am still holding on way too tightly to the outcomes of work projects. Learning that controlling behaviour is an integral part of codependency, this session is slowly but surely helping me to let go of my need to control situations and people around me. Relaxing with this session calms me down immediately and it stays with me for days afterwards. I now find myself thinking much more clearly before sending out rash emails to force a decision from my clients.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is one of the most important parts of the law of attraction (as Victoria explains), yet it is often overlooked. Whenever I've felt stuck in trying to attract something or down about it, I listen to this download. It calms me down and makes me realize that I don't have to do anything. It helps you realize that good things will come to you. Yes, you have to take steps to make things happen, but you don't have to control things. I felt very peaceful after listening to this.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
There has been such a shift in my perspective!!! I have been able to detach from the outcome of my twin flame relationsip! This was one of the biggest obstacles, such freedom!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
The "Law of Detachment" hypnosis session is useful for anyone trying to be able to live with uncertainty and get more results from their efforts to reach goals or success. This hypnosis session is a great hypnosis session for people with a controlling type personalities because it lets you relax and lets you focus on the process of succeeding rather than on results which is very counter-productive and self-destructive.
The hypnosis session begins with the induction where you breath velvety smooth air that relaxes away all tension. The induction is reinforced with the visualization of floating into lights and becoming just your spirit. Victoria then uses the suggestion down deeper to induce a relaxed state.
The suggestion portion of the hypnosis session has understand that the final step in reaching your goals in to let go of your attachment to your goals so that your desires can manifest and come back to you. You are suggested to allow the universe to co-create you desires so that the manifestation of your desires can be one of a multitude of infinite possibilities. Victoria suggests that you release your desires and "let go" of your doubts and fears which allows you to feel good, free, light and at peace. You are suggested to have faith, trust, and confidence that your goals will manifest themselves perfectly as they are supposed to manifest like getting a present on your birthday as a child. You are suggested to surrender yourself to the unknown and it is exciting. Finally, you are given a number of affirmation such as "I am open to infinite possibilities" and "I let life unfold." The hypnosis session ends with being brought back to waking consciousness with the count down from 5.
Overall, I found the hypnosis session very important for personal growth because when you become too focused on driving some specific outcome to occur then you can interfere with your success in reaching that outcome. This is a very counter-intuitive concepts but I think it is because when you believe you are entitled to a certain result from all the hard work you have done then you sabotage your own future successes since you expend too much effort to get the exact outcomes you desire. I also recommend Victoria's other product called "Anxiety" because that hypnosis session further helps you to relax and learn to cope with uncertainty. Like Marlon Brando once said, "care but not too much."

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Anon Imous
I have recently bought this mp3, and despite being able to manifest my goals near completion, it would not always go to fruition, esp in relationships. Like I would manifest a wonderful man, and all lovely things, but it would not lead to a marriage/ union. I purchased many mp3's and Victoria suggested I use this one first. Just 1 week into listening to it, I feel my faith has returned. I feel stronger - I cannot even tell you how lovely it feels to a heart broken person. Victoria voice is very soft and the pacing of this hypnosis mp3 is apt for inducing the correct effect. I say so, as I have been into trance and meditation previously. This has a calming effect.
This is a highly recommended mp3, and is scripted well. Law of attraction works well only of you are detached from the result too. This mp3 helps you attain that faith.
I yet have to complete my 30 days, and I would love to come and give an actual result too.
Love and light
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is an excellent download. It helps to let go of the things/worries that can continually play on your mind for the future and realise that things will work out how they are meant to work out. One the best downloads I have purchased.
Thank you Victoria
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I started listening to this program during the first week of April. The prior month, I had filed for bankruptcy due to my low credit score. After my court hearing, I was told that I owed the trustee over $2000 which needed to be paid within 30 days. I did not know how I was going to do that being that I had all of my other bills that were past due with disconnect notices. I decided to purchase this hypnosis download because what better way to pay off all of these bills than to try to manifest them disappearing (LOL). Over the course of 3 weeks I noticed that all of my bills were current and nothing was past due. I was paying my bills effortlessly without the worry and being thankful that I had the money to make the payments. The whole time, I had forgotten all about me owing the trustee $2000 which was a week late. Just yesterday, I emailed Victoria and told her my issues I was having and how I felt like the program was not working for me. She immediately emailed me a response and told me to be patient and trust and believe in myself. I started all over and this time, I had complete faith that everything would work out and I believed in myself, more ultimately, I let go. Today, I got a call from my attorney saying that she received an email from the trustee and they decided to abandon the $2000!!!! I could not believe it!!! I was amazed. I owe NOTHING!!!!! I will continue to listen to this program daily and stay consistent. I know it had a lot to do with me listening to this program. I let go, I believed and I received. Thank you Victoria! I am thankful for you. You stay involved with your clients and every time I email her, she responds! I am well on my way to more success.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I use it always after I have a series of hypnosis sessions days with a specific hypnosis theme. I find that after doing work on a specific theme I need to detach from it. I believe it to be the best idea. It helps me to release the worry about whether what I desire to happen will finally come to my life. It helps me during everyday life to remember to let go of stressing out about stuff and just let it be. It reminds me of the wisdom of letting go, the wisdom of having faith!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
In life, you have to detach from what you want most for it to be a reality. This is so true, in so many circumstances.

You can only do your best, and I feel this now. I do my very best, and let the rest go. What happens, happens, and whatever happens I think will all work out.

This works amazingly, because in the past I have found myself all wound up about things I cant fix, or control... Thanks Victoria !!!!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I had a hard time with detachment and just trusting that everything would be okay. I listen to this hypnosis download twice a day and it is unbelievable how much calmer I feel and less worried. This is a must for anyone who cannot let go and chill.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
When you want something and have wanted it for a long time, it can be hard to release it, but Victoria helps you to learn how you can do that and trust that everything you dream of comes your way. A wonderful session on how to learn to finally let go and let the universe bring you what you want!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Detachment is definitely something that's often underrated. But as specified in the description it's the missing ingredient for many people when trying to manifest their dreams. I have worked with manifestation for quite a few years and found this one to be a valuable tool, especially since it gives you a chance to -practice- detachment, let go and experiencing the resulting freedom.

I would recommend this session for anyone who has worked with the law of attraction for some time and wishes to go deeper into it.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Listing to this helps me relax. It makes me trust the universe more and more.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I was not too sure what to expect when I purchased this program but I was pleasantly surprised about its usefulness. Who would have thought that wanting something to an extreme could actually delay its manifestation. This program emphasizes the importance of letting go... not of what we desire but of the resistance often associated with an extreme desire. I have had a number of long-awaited desires show up in my life after listening to this program and learning how to let go.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Love hypnosis
Thank you Victoria for this wonderful MP3. It helped me know that I am not my problems and helped me detatch from them. I have used it many times with powerful results.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I used to be very wound up a lot of the time and found myself attempting to control every single bit of minutia in my life. This recording is helping me to let go and understand that I don't need to be that way, and happiness will come naturally when I learn to detach and let go. After listening to this for a while now I do feel a lot more relaxed and at ease with myself, and things get done without all the unnecessary stress that I used to bring to the situation. I recommend this to anyone who like to micromanage everything but is never happy.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have read countless essays about detachment and the law of detachment, so i really wanted to try this download. What i noticed after listening consistently for about two weeks was the impulse of obsess over the results in life that i wanted was GONE!! i felt more focused on what i was doing, i.e. work, personal achievements, and relationship healing, rather than the results that i wanted. I have noticed I am closer to my expectations than ever before. Trust me, even if you're listening to the recording and drift to sleep, the subconscious mind is still working, absorbing! Definitely one of my favorites and one the more effective ones I've purchased!!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is my favorite hypnosis mp3. Her ability to suggest that it is ok to release the outcome of events has really made a big impact on me. I have suggested it to many of my friends.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I use LOA every day. The power of the subconscious mind is amazing. When you focus on something - obsess about it, really - you sometimes forget that you have to "let it go" so the manifestation can come to you. I was really struggling with letting go, and then this download showed up in my inbox (in an email promo from Victoria). It's almost like the Universe knew I needed it to be successful... I've manifested some money, and had a huge turn around in my relationship with my boyfriend... and I know it's because I was able to finally "Let Go and Let God". Victoria's suggestions helped my subconscious know that I needed to release and detach.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
The one thing that stands out to me about this program is how incredibly positive I felt after listening to it. It came as a feeling of euphoria, which for those of you who follow The Law of Attraction, is a great state to be in when working to attract certain things into one's life. The euphoria came from being a lot less attached to making my desires a reality, which in itself is quite soothing, and also from all of the other positive states and emotions Victoria directs you to experience in order to facilitate the main goal of the program.

For example, while listening to this mp3 program you are directed multiple times to experience such traits as gratitude, faith, and patience. Gratitude by itself is a very pleasurable feeling, and one that makes one want new things a bit less because of the happiness and satisfaction for what one has right now. The faith helps reduce insecurity about not getting what you want, which I think also drives the attachment process (which can keep desired things from you at times). Finally, the patience also helps facilitate detachment as part of the attachment process is wanting what you want right now, instead of being willing to wait for it.

Of course, as one might imagine, there are other positive traits that you are directed to experience as well.

Further, you are also outright directed to be detached from your desires during the program.

In summary, this is a great Law of Attraction product, as it not only releases your attachment to what you want but also puts you in a much more positive feeling state to get it as well.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
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I listened to this session for the recommended 30 days. I must admit, I don't feel any different as far as my confidence in manifesting goes. i have always struggled to let go of the attachment to my desired outcome and so far this hasn't really changed in any noticeable way. Perhaps it is something that needs more time.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
1.I asked Ms.Gallagher by email for a recommendation for a hypnosis.She suggested this one. Excellent customer service.
2.I used it for 30 days.
3. I needed a specific result and this worked for me!
4. I liked the calming opening. The wording and suggestions in the body were very good. I enjoyed the recording and found it easy to listen.
5. Quality product, as Ms Gallagher always delivers!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This program is a good complement to any Law of Attraction program. I prefer the Law of Detachment Meditation (I left a review for that program on this website); however, this has a longer induction so I get into a deeper state of trance before listening. Listening to this reminds me that I am a co-creator of my world and that the universe is not an impersonal place but an intelligent force. Knowing this makes it much easier to trust that what I want in life will come in the time and manner that is best for me.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Law of Detachment is an essential part for those who are practising the Law of Attraction. I purchased this session a long time ago, but it could not really work back then, because eventually I was suffering from severe anxiety and post-traumatic stress. Therefore, I had to address first those issues.
Now that I came back to this session again, I admit that it helped me a lot with my urgency to manifest the things I want, because I am not yet in the path I want to be. It also helped get some clarity for why I want the things I want. That was unexpected but very insightful.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have several hyptalk programs and this is one of my favorite. I am going through a big breakup and this has helped me a lot to let go and trust that things will turn out ok. This is one of my favorite sessions.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I know that Detaching is critical for the manifesting of the desires and 95% of my stuff has arrived when i forgot about it. Right now I'm having trouble detaching so j bought this recording cos I watched the Law of Detachment part 1 and 2 videos on YouTube by the artist.

I have listened twice and I feel more confident and relaxed. It has gotten me thinking about how I'd rather prioritise my sense of confidence and self worth over specific things or people as I tend to put the things I want on a pedestal which creates the feeling of need which pushes it away.

I will update if anything happens with my manifestations. I'm usually very good at manifesting I have a list of 39 things which I manifested. But lately I came undone due to a major setback and I lost my magic. I hope this will help bring it back and help me to see that this too happened for a reason
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This hypnosis session worked from the first time I listened to it. I am still listening to it as I have realised the past week that I am still holding on way too tightly to the outcomes of work projects. Learning that controlling behaviour is an integral part of codependency, this session is slowly but surely helping me to let go of my need to control situations and people around me. Relaxing with this session calms me down immediately and it stays with me for days afterwards. I now find myself thinking much more clearly before sending out rash emails to force a decision from my clients.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is one of the most important parts of the law of attraction (as Victoria explains), yet it is often overlooked. Whenever I've felt stuck in trying to attract something or down about it, I listen to this download. It calms me down and makes me realize that I don't have to do anything. It helps you realize that good things will come to you. Yes, you have to take steps to make things happen, but you don't have to control things. I felt very peaceful after listening to this.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
There has been such a shift in my perspective!!! I have been able to detach from the outcome of my twin flame relationsip! This was one of the biggest obstacles, such freedom!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
The "Law of Detachment" hypnosis session is useful for anyone trying to be able to live with uncertainty and get more results from their efforts to reach goals or success. This hypnosis session is a great hypnosis session for people with a controlling type personalities because it lets you relax and lets you focus on the process of succeeding rather than on results which is very counter-productive and self-destructive.
The hypnosis session begins with the induction where you breath velvety smooth air that relaxes away all tension. The induction is reinforced with the visualization of floating into lights and becoming just your spirit. Victoria then uses the suggestion down deeper to induce a relaxed state.
The suggestion portion of the hypnosis session has understand that the final step in reaching your goals in to let go of your attachment to your goals so that your desires can manifest and come back to you. You are suggested to allow the universe to co-create you desires so that the manifestation of your desires can be one of a multitude of infinite possibilities. Victoria suggests that you release your desires and "let go" of your doubts and fears which allows you to feel good, free, light and at peace. You are suggested to have faith, trust, and confidence that your goals will manifest themselves perfectly as they are supposed to manifest like getting a present on your birthday as a child. You are suggested to surrender yourself to the unknown and it is exciting. Finally, you are given a number of affirmation such as "I am open to infinite possibilities" and "I let life unfold." The hypnosis session ends with being brought back to waking consciousness with the count down from 5.
Overall, I found the hypnosis session very important for personal growth because when you become too focused on driving some specific outcome to occur then you can interfere with your success in reaching that outcome. This is a very counter-intuitive concepts but I think it is because when you believe you are entitled to a certain result from all the hard work you have done then you sabotage your own future successes since you expend too much effort to get the exact outcomes you desire. I also recommend Victoria's other product called "Anxiety" because that hypnosis session further helps you to relax and learn to cope with uncertainty. Like Marlon Brando once said, "care but not too much."

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Anon Imous
I have recently bought this mp3, and despite being able to manifest my goals near completion, it would not always go to fruition, esp in relationships. Like I would manifest a wonderful man, and all lovely things, but it would not lead to a marriage/ union. I purchased many mp3's and Victoria suggested I use this one first. Just 1 week into listening to it, I feel my faith has returned. I feel stronger - I cannot even tell you how lovely it feels to a heart broken person. Victoria voice is very soft and the pacing of this hypnosis mp3 is apt for inducing the correct effect. I say so, as I have been into trance and meditation previously. This has a calming effect.
This is a highly recommended mp3, and is scripted well. Law of attraction works well only of you are detached from the result too. This mp3 helps you attain that faith.
I yet have to complete my 30 days, and I would love to come and give an actual result too.
Love and light
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is an excellent download. It helps to let go of the things/worries that can continually play on your mind for the future and realise that things will work out how they are meant to work out. One the best downloads I have purchased.
Thank you Victoria
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I started listening to this program during the first week of April. The prior month, I had filed for bankruptcy due to my low credit score. After my court hearing, I was told that I owed the trustee over $2000 which needed to be paid within 30 days. I did not know how I was going to do that being that I had all of my other bills that were past due with disconnect notices. I decided to purchase this hypnosis download because what better way to pay off all of these bills than to try to manifest them disappearing (LOL). Over the course of 3 weeks I noticed that all of my bills were current and nothing was past due. I was paying my bills effortlessly without the worry and being thankful that I had the money to make the payments. The whole time, I had forgotten all about me owing the trustee $2000 which was a week late. Just yesterday, I emailed Victoria and told her my issues I was having and how I felt like the program was not working for me. She immediately emailed me a response and told me to be patient and trust and believe in myself. I started all over and this time, I had complete faith that everything would work out and I believed in myself, more ultimately, I let go. Today, I got a call from my attorney saying that she received an email from the trustee and they decided to abandon the $2000!!!! I could not believe it!!! I was amazed. I owe NOTHING!!!!! I will continue to listen to this program daily and stay consistent. I know it had a lot to do with me listening to this program. I let go, I believed and I received. Thank you Victoria! I am thankful for you. You stay involved with your clients and every time I email her, she responds! I am well on my way to more success.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I use it always after I have a series of hypnosis sessions days with a specific hypnosis theme. I find that after doing work on a specific theme I need to detach from it. I believe it to be the best idea. It helps me to release the worry about whether what I desire to happen will finally come to my life. It helps me during everyday life to remember to let go of stressing out about stuff and just let it be. It reminds me of the wisdom of letting go, the wisdom of having faith!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
In life, you have to detach from what you want most for it to be a reality. This is so true, in so many circumstances.

You can only do your best, and I feel this now. I do my very best, and let the rest go. What happens, happens, and whatever happens I think will all work out.

This works amazingly, because in the past I have found myself all wound up about things I cant fix, or control... Thanks Victoria !!!!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I had a hard time with detachment and just trusting that everything would be okay. I listen to this hypnosis download twice a day and it is unbelievable how much calmer I feel and less worried. This is a must for anyone who cannot let go and chill.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
When you want something and have wanted it for a long time, it can be hard to release it, but Victoria helps you to learn how you can do that and trust that everything you dream of comes your way. A wonderful session on how to learn to finally let go and let the universe bring you what you want!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Detachment is definitely something that's often underrated. But as specified in the description it's the missing ingredient for many people when trying to manifest their dreams. I have worked with manifestation for quite a few years and found this one to be a valuable tool, especially since it gives you a chance to -practice- detachment, let go and experiencing the resulting freedom.

I would recommend this session for anyone who has worked with the law of attraction for some time and wishes to go deeper into it.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Listing to this helps me relax. It makes me trust the universe more and more.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I was not too sure what to expect when I purchased this program but I was pleasantly surprised about its usefulness. Who would have thought that wanting something to an extreme could actually delay its manifestation. This program emphasizes the importance of letting go... not of what we desire but of the resistance often associated with an extreme desire. I have had a number of long-awaited desires show up in my life after listening to this program and learning how to let go.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Love hypnosis
Thank you Victoria for this wonderful MP3. It helped me know that I am not my problems and helped me detatch from them. I have used it many times with powerful results.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I used to be very wound up a lot of the time and found myself attempting to control every single bit of minutia in my life. This recording is helping me to let go and understand that I don't need to be that way, and happiness will come naturally when I learn to detach and let go. After listening to this for a while now I do feel a lot more relaxed and at ease with myself, and things get done without all the unnecessary stress that I used to bring to the situation. I recommend this to anyone who like to micromanage everything but is never happy.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have read countless essays about detachment and the law of detachment, so i really wanted to try this download. What i noticed after listening consistently for about two weeks was the impulse of obsess over the results in life that i wanted was GONE!! i felt more focused on what i was doing, i.e. work, personal achievements, and relationship healing, rather than the results that i wanted. I have noticed I am closer to my expectations than ever before. Trust me, even if you're listening to the recording and drift to sleep, the subconscious mind is still working, absorbing! Definitely one of my favorites and one the more effective ones I've purchased!!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is my favorite hypnosis mp3. Her ability to suggest that it is ok to release the outcome of events has really made a big impact on me. I have suggested it to many of my friends.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I use LOA every day. The power of the subconscious mind is amazing. When you focus on something - obsess about it, really - you sometimes forget that you have to "let it go" so the manifestation can come to you. I was really struggling with letting go, and then this download showed up in my inbox (in an email promo from Victoria). It's almost like the Universe knew I needed it to be successful... I've manifested some money, and had a huge turn around in my relationship with my boyfriend... and I know it's because I was able to finally "Let Go and Let God". Victoria's suggestions helped my subconscious know that I needed to release and detach.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
The one thing that stands out to me about this program is how incredibly positive I felt after listening to it. It came as a feeling of euphoria, which for those of you who follow The Law of Attraction, is a great state to be in when working to attract certain things into one's life. The euphoria came from being a lot less attached to making my desires a reality, which in itself is quite soothing, and also from all of the other positive states and emotions Victoria directs you to experience in order to facilitate the main goal of the program.

For example, while listening to this mp3 program you are directed multiple times to experience such traits as gratitude, faith, and patience. Gratitude by itself is a very pleasurable feeling, and one that makes one want new things a bit less because of the happiness and satisfaction for what one has right now. The faith helps reduce insecurity about not getting what you want, which I think also drives the attachment process (which can keep desired things from you at times). Finally, the patience also helps facilitate detachment as part of the attachment process is wanting what you want right now, instead of being willing to wait for it.

Of course, as one might imagine, there are other positive traits that you are directed to experience as well.

Further, you are also outright directed to be detached from your desires during the program.

In summary, this is a great Law of Attraction product, as it not only releases your attachment to what you want but also puts you in a much more positive feeling state to get it as well.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.