Attract Friendship
hypnosis download

Meet people and make friends with Hypnosis

If you have ever found yourself wishing you knew how to meet people, using our hypnosis CD to make friends can help you.

Does it seem like you have acquaintances, but very few, if any, people you would call your best friend?

In hypnosis, you program your subconscious mind to become the person who can easily make friends.

We all need friends that you can count on when you just want someone to talk to. It's nice to have friends that you can spend Friday night with. It's a natural human desire to have friends that you can call anytime and make plans with. You're not alone. Lots of people have difficulty meeting new friends. Some people even have social anxiety when it comes to meeting new people. Many of those people have discovered hypnosis helped them get rid of social anxiety, be more confident, and make friends.

This hypnosis session can help you improve your ability to make friends. Half the battle in finding friends begins in your mind. You have to plant the confidence into your subconscious mind. Your aura of confidence can cause others to want to be friends with you. You can attract friendships that are good for you. You can find friends that help you to grow and succeed in life. Using Law of Attraction, you can attract new people to you that you want to be around.

You can visualize, in hypnosis, finding friends who are exactly what you are looking for and feel powerful to get it. You can enjoy the confidence hypnosis gives you to find people you can count on. More and more you can realize how natural and easy it truly is for you to meet new people and live a better, healthier lifestyle.

If you decide to buy Attract Friendship Hypnosis, you are going to find that it is so natural and easy to listen to. Victoria's soothing voice mixed with her hypnotic suggestions, guides you into the perfect state to accept suggestions deeply into your subconscious mind to create permanent change.

Now you can direct the power of your own subconscious mind to bring you new friends while relaxing in hypnosis.

Now, take your first step toward lasting friendships and Buy Victoria's Attract Friendship Hypnosis, for only $29 today!

hypnosis download
Attract Friendship

  • Improve your ability to make friends.

  • Find friends who are exactly right for you.

  • Meet new people and live a better life.


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latest reviews from our customers

I've always felt that there was a part of me that was pushing people away. Never wanting anyone to get too close. Maybe I thought I'd be hurt or rejected. Now I feel like I have hope that I can build stronger and closer relationships. I know that everything won't always go smoothly, that's life right, but I feel like I can navigate the bumps and challenges along the way. Now I feel like I can trust again.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I got this because I felt like I wasn't able to make new friendships easily especially after moving to a new area. Victoria's voice is always calming and helps me to focus on what she is saying. I think it's been working because I feel more open to talk and initiate conversations with others to have friendships.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have recently started listening to this hypnosis audio, and I feel I am already more open and outgoing, even though by nature I am not. I am smiling more, and just generally feeling more friendly. Although I have not made any specific friends with it yet, I am sure this will manifest into friendships in the long run.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I was going through a difficult phase and in the process got disconnected with my friends since I was lost in my own world. After listening to this for a couple weeks, I could not only reconnect with my old friends, but attracted amazing new friends. Thank you Victoria.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Life changing
I look forward to listening to Victoria's messages every day!!!!!!!!!!!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I totally enjoy this hypnosis. My son started a new school and i was needing to change my social circle to a healthier one and this program completely boosted my confidence and how persons received us. Honestly the program was so effective that i began to get overwhelmed by all the party invites, and activities, etc. I would often listen to it right before i would attend a social event.

I love how Victoria's voice soothingly guides you in getting clear on the qualities that makes a quality friend and to focus on these qualities in yourself. I also love how she brings your attention to the positive qualities in you as often times we forget about our own good qualities and strengths.

Love this! Victoria at her finest work!


I highly recommend this program for anyone needing to attract friendships.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
As with the other Hyptalk products that I have tried this one is very relaxing and empowering. It really helps you to get into the right mindset to attract positive friendships. After listening to this recording only a few times I was inspired to make contact with a wonderful old friend who I hadn't seen for years and we have arranged to meet up.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I am soothing to to listening to lovely Victoria's voice.
I lost friends because of money related issue and after listing to this product I was able to gain trust back in people and attract friends to my sphere.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I listened to this twice for about a month each. The first time, a friend I hadn't spent time with for a while started to text me again and she wanted to go out together to movies and for coffee and we did. So THAT time it seemed to really help.

The second time, it was like more OPPORTUNITIES for friendship were brought my way - like i found out about a making friends event. Well, I got 14 phone numbers/email addresses from that event, but only 2 replied to my contacting them after that and then they never ended up meeting up with me. So I didn't have a lot of success the second time. But both times it seemed to bring opportunities for friendship my way and the first time I ended up spending time with a good friend then who I hadn't seen for a
little while. Second time not so good, perhaps my charisma is really "off" and an area to work on too.
But try it out. It has good reviews, and like I said in SOME ways it DID work for me, just not at all as well as I hoped the second time around.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Really makes me feel amazing. I have experienced some great changes after listening to it and even find myself more social with people that I wouldn't normally talk to, that are strangers but instantly realize that they would be someone I could see becoming friends with. Overall I just love the way it makes me more positive. It's a fairly short session but I like that.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I love all of victoria's cds/mp3's she has a really re-assuring voice and gets straight to the point which I like, the friendship hypnosis will give you confidence in finding the right friends it is so important to have good friends rather than having friends who keep letting you down, and this hypnosis programne gives great guidance and help, thankyou Victoria, kay
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Always lovely to listening to Victoria's voice. Helps to bring you in the moment and to develop future friendships with ease
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I found that this download made me want to expand my friendship group. I was making friends with people I never imagined.

I was making appointments with people and my world expanded.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is a very good hypnosis that came just at the right time. It helped to improve both existing friendships, but also opened me up to what I really look for in a great friend, and I feel myself easily connect with new people as well.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I waited before writing any reviews for a few reasons.
1. I purchased many mp3 at the same time so I needed time.
2. I wanted to use them a several times & look for results.
since the few months of listing to this only a few times I am talking with more people with less fears & I am getting their phone numbers of which a few I have stayed in contact with. My life is a lot better since listening to this tape.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I listened to this hypnosis audio for about 4 days after which an old acquaintance of mine got in touch with me and I got invited to a party and got into his social circle. It's been two months since then and we are all really close friends now.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
As soon as you listen Victoria's voice, she will transport you to a different level. Felt happy and ready to open myself to new friendship. I highly recommend.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I attracted the perfect new friend very quickly. In fact I think I only listened to this three times before a new friend appeared on the scene. That's the kind of result you really want to get with a hypnosis track. The only thing I would change on this is the part where Victoria talks about friends being there through difficult and challenging times. I don't want difficult or challenging times. I would prefer to keep the focus on sharing fun times with friends so that I create more of those. But that's by the by really. It worked for me! Definitely worth it if you want to become more popular.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I really enjoyed this session, and i feel it has helped with my almost paralyzing shyness around meeting new people :)
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Before listening to this download, I used to be passive in my approach towards people generally. I always wait for others to approach or invite. After listening to this download, I've become a bit bolder by taking the initiatives to organize outings and in the process taken up a new interest (rock climbing!). I'm also calling my friends and inviting them for coffee, lunch etc and I'm meeting more people through my existing friends.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is a program that I need to listen to more often! It worked the very first time that I used it, causing me to do things that were a bit out of character for me, such as generating a spontaneous get together with someone I had known previously, and interacting with him in such a way that we both had a very good time. Further, he invited me to several social gatherings of his own afterwards, which is something that he had never done before.

In retrospect, I think that this program makes it easier to generate friendships by causing the listener to greatly deepen the bonds that he or she has with others.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I went to hypnotherapy school, and I'm very discerning with the hypnosis products I purchase. Victoria's MP3s are the only ones I consistently listen to because they're high quality and produce results. I can tell that she takes her profession seriously. After a few times of listening to Attract Friendship, I reconnected with two friends and am having a great time. This weekend I was also invited to two holiday parties where I met some amazing people - it was the most fun I've had in a long time! What's amazing is that Attracting Friendship mentions being invited to holiday parties ... thanks to Victoria, I'm waiting for that Super Bowl invite, too!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have a few close friends already; but lately I have noticed that we are slowly drifting apart. It could be because we go to different schools or we rarely ever see each other or they moved to a different city :/. Whatever the reason is, I thought it would be a good idea to gain a few more close friends.

The thing is, I don't just want 'friends' I want REAL friends. I didn't know what I was about to experience prior to listening to this recording. I didn't really read the description before getting this recording. I just wanted to 'attract friends' so I got it.

As always, I am glad I got this product. Most of my current beliefs pretty much matched the suggestions in this recordings.

Victoria talked about having friends that are loyal, trustworthy, and all those good characteristics. She talked about having friends that ACCEPT me for WHO I AM! It is very important for me to have friends who accept me for who I am. Friends that wont try to change me. Friends that have similar interests as me.

She also talked about what kind of traits would be good for attracting new friendships. Listening was one of them. Treating friends as you want to be treated. If you want trustworthy friends, then be trustworthy. Likes attracts Likes.

She mentions the law of attraction. But do not fear if you don't know much about it; I don't think it would bother you, she pretty much explained it in the session ( in the case of attracting friendships ).

This session is 23 minutes long.

Also, if ever, you want to increase your popularity, this is a good recording. She talked about(as well as visualize) being popular, being on the 'A' list, being invited to great parties, etc.

This recording also reminds me a little bit of 'Overcome Social Shyness' ( in case of the social events like parties and such ); they're different recordings, but I think they will work well together. Of course, it depends on what kind of goals you have and what kind of results you are striving for.

I like this recording!

Thank you!

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have purchased Attract Friendship hypnosis MP3 a month ago. After listening it for a month, I feel more positive about meeting other people, and I am genuinely interested in those people I have met. And so far, my genuine interest has been reciprocated. It feels great :)
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
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latest reviews from our customers

I've always felt that there was a part of me that was pushing people away. Never wanting anyone to get too close. Maybe I thought I'd be hurt or rejected. Now I feel like I have hope that I can build stronger and closer relationships. I know that everything won't always go smoothly, that's life right, but I feel like I can navigate the bumps and challenges along the way. Now I feel like I can trust again.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I got this because I felt like I wasn't able to make new friendships easily especially after moving to a new area. Victoria's voice is always calming and helps me to focus on what she is saying. I think it's been working because I feel more open to talk and initiate conversations with others to have friendships.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have recently started listening to this hypnosis audio, and I feel I am already more open and outgoing, even though by nature I am not. I am smiling more, and just generally feeling more friendly. Although I have not made any specific friends with it yet, I am sure this will manifest into friendships in the long run.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I was going through a difficult phase and in the process got disconnected with my friends since I was lost in my own world. After listening to this for a couple weeks, I could not only reconnect with my old friends, but attracted amazing new friends. Thank you Victoria.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Life changing
I look forward to listening to Victoria's messages every day!!!!!!!!!!!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I totally enjoy this hypnosis. My son started a new school and i was needing to change my social circle to a healthier one and this program completely boosted my confidence and how persons received us. Honestly the program was so effective that i began to get overwhelmed by all the party invites, and activities, etc. I would often listen to it right before i would attend a social event.

I love how Victoria's voice soothingly guides you in getting clear on the qualities that makes a quality friend and to focus on these qualities in yourself. I also love how she brings your attention to the positive qualities in you as often times we forget about our own good qualities and strengths.

Love this! Victoria at her finest work!


I highly recommend this program for anyone needing to attract friendships.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
As with the other Hyptalk products that I have tried this one is very relaxing and empowering. It really helps you to get into the right mindset to attract positive friendships. After listening to this recording only a few times I was inspired to make contact with a wonderful old friend who I hadn't seen for years and we have arranged to meet up.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I am soothing to to listening to lovely Victoria's voice.
I lost friends because of money related issue and after listing to this product I was able to gain trust back in people and attract friends to my sphere.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I listened to this twice for about a month each. The first time, a friend I hadn't spent time with for a while started to text me again and she wanted to go out together to movies and for coffee and we did. So THAT time it seemed to really help.

The second time, it was like more OPPORTUNITIES for friendship were brought my way - like i found out about a making friends event. Well, I got 14 phone numbers/email addresses from that event, but only 2 replied to my contacting them after that and then they never ended up meeting up with me. So I didn't have a lot of success the second time. But both times it seemed to bring opportunities for friendship my way and the first time I ended up spending time with a good friend then who I hadn't seen for a
little while. Second time not so good, perhaps my charisma is really "off" and an area to work on too.
But try it out. It has good reviews, and like I said in SOME ways it DID work for me, just not at all as well as I hoped the second time around.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Really makes me feel amazing. I have experienced some great changes after listening to it and even find myself more social with people that I wouldn't normally talk to, that are strangers but instantly realize that they would be someone I could see becoming friends with. Overall I just love the way it makes me more positive. It's a fairly short session but I like that.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I love all of victoria's cds/mp3's she has a really re-assuring voice and gets straight to the point which I like, the friendship hypnosis will give you confidence in finding the right friends it is so important to have good friends rather than having friends who keep letting you down, and this hypnosis programne gives great guidance and help, thankyou Victoria, kay
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Always lovely to listening to Victoria's voice. Helps to bring you in the moment and to develop future friendships with ease
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I found that this download made me want to expand my friendship group. I was making friends with people I never imagined.

I was making appointments with people and my world expanded.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is a very good hypnosis that came just at the right time. It helped to improve both existing friendships, but also opened me up to what I really look for in a great friend, and I feel myself easily connect with new people as well.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I waited before writing any reviews for a few reasons.
1. I purchased many mp3 at the same time so I needed time.
2. I wanted to use them a several times & look for results.
since the few months of listing to this only a few times I am talking with more people with less fears & I am getting their phone numbers of which a few I have stayed in contact with. My life is a lot better since listening to this tape.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I listened to this hypnosis audio for about 4 days after which an old acquaintance of mine got in touch with me and I got invited to a party and got into his social circle. It's been two months since then and we are all really close friends now.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
As soon as you listen Victoria's voice, she will transport you to a different level. Felt happy and ready to open myself to new friendship. I highly recommend.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I attracted the perfect new friend very quickly. In fact I think I only listened to this three times before a new friend appeared on the scene. That's the kind of result you really want to get with a hypnosis track. The only thing I would change on this is the part where Victoria talks about friends being there through difficult and challenging times. I don't want difficult or challenging times. I would prefer to keep the focus on sharing fun times with friends so that I create more of those. But that's by the by really. It worked for me! Definitely worth it if you want to become more popular.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I really enjoyed this session, and i feel it has helped with my almost paralyzing shyness around meeting new people :)
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Before listening to this download, I used to be passive in my approach towards people generally. I always wait for others to approach or invite. After listening to this download, I've become a bit bolder by taking the initiatives to organize outings and in the process taken up a new interest (rock climbing!). I'm also calling my friends and inviting them for coffee, lunch etc and I'm meeting more people through my existing friends.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is a program that I need to listen to more often! It worked the very first time that I used it, causing me to do things that were a bit out of character for me, such as generating a spontaneous get together with someone I had known previously, and interacting with him in such a way that we both had a very good time. Further, he invited me to several social gatherings of his own afterwards, which is something that he had never done before.

In retrospect, I think that this program makes it easier to generate friendships by causing the listener to greatly deepen the bonds that he or she has with others.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I went to hypnotherapy school, and I'm very discerning with the hypnosis products I purchase. Victoria's MP3s are the only ones I consistently listen to because they're high quality and produce results. I can tell that she takes her profession seriously. After a few times of listening to Attract Friendship, I reconnected with two friends and am having a great time. This weekend I was also invited to two holiday parties where I met some amazing people - it was the most fun I've had in a long time! What's amazing is that Attracting Friendship mentions being invited to holiday parties ... thanks to Victoria, I'm waiting for that Super Bowl invite, too!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have a few close friends already; but lately I have noticed that we are slowly drifting apart. It could be because we go to different schools or we rarely ever see each other or they moved to a different city :/. Whatever the reason is, I thought it would be a good idea to gain a few more close friends.

The thing is, I don't just want 'friends' I want REAL friends. I didn't know what I was about to experience prior to listening to this recording. I didn't really read the description before getting this recording. I just wanted to 'attract friends' so I got it.

As always, I am glad I got this product. Most of my current beliefs pretty much matched the suggestions in this recordings.

Victoria talked about having friends that are loyal, trustworthy, and all those good characteristics. She talked about having friends that ACCEPT me for WHO I AM! It is very important for me to have friends who accept me for who I am. Friends that wont try to change me. Friends that have similar interests as me.

She also talked about what kind of traits would be good for attracting new friendships. Listening was one of them. Treating friends as you want to be treated. If you want trustworthy friends, then be trustworthy. Likes attracts Likes.

She mentions the law of attraction. But do not fear if you don't know much about it; I don't think it would bother you, she pretty much explained it in the session ( in the case of attracting friendships ).

This session is 23 minutes long.

Also, if ever, you want to increase your popularity, this is a good recording. She talked about(as well as visualize) being popular, being on the 'A' list, being invited to great parties, etc.

This recording also reminds me a little bit of 'Overcome Social Shyness' ( in case of the social events like parties and such ); they're different recordings, but I think they will work well together. Of course, it depends on what kind of goals you have and what kind of results you are striving for.

I like this recording!

Thank you!

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have purchased Attract Friendship hypnosis MP3 a month ago. After listening it for a month, I feel more positive about meeting other people, and I am genuinely interested in those people I have met. And so far, my genuine interest has been reciprocated. It feels great :)
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.