Embrace Your Smile
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Do you want to smile more often?

Would you like to magnetically attract others to you?

You have come to the conclusion that you want to change something about yourself.

You want to smile more and you want it to feel natural. Smiling is natural. You start smiling only days after you are born. It was so easy back then. But somewhere along the way, you lost that smile. And today, you can just as easily bring back that smile as you command your subconscious mind to activate that natural ability once more here while you are in hypnosis.

Smiles are contagious. If you make it a point to smile at other people, they'll smile back at you, and pretty soon you'll be smiling just because you feel good, not because you're making yourself do it. A true smile comes from within and shows up in your eyes and your lips. Just think about something that makes you smile (a pet, a loved one, a wonderful day, a great movie, something you feel grateful about) and you can smile.

Smiling has so many advantages. For instance, did you know that it takes 62 muscles to frown and only 26 to smile? In light of this fact, it just makes more sense to smile, because it takes much less effort. When you make a facial expression, you are essentially sending a message that you are happy and caning to connect with others. Smiling releases powerful endorphins that act as natural mood boosters and painkillers. All of these things make you feel even better. Smiling is the world's best natural drug, and you don't even need a prescription to use it.

Smiling lifts your face and makes you look years younger. When you smile throughout the day, like you do now, you look younger and you feel better. Smiling expresses pleasure and feeling good. Psychologically, there are many ways to use a smile to your advantage. A smile sends out a message of trust and reassurance. When you smile genuinely, people sense and know they can trust you. Smiling just makes the world a better place.

Smiling also just makes you feel better. Smiling gives you an instant boost in your mood as such; you can actually trick yourself into a higher feeling vibration because your psychology follows your physiology. Not only that, but because smiling ultimately does make you feel better, it may even cause you to live longer, since feeling good and happy aids in maintaining better health.

There are so many reasons to smile. Smiling even makes you more attractive. When you smile, people want to know why you are smiling. A smile actually draws people in and makes you more magnetic. Now that you smile more, you notice other people smiling back because smiling is contagious. When you smile, you lighten up the room and brighten other people's moods. Smiling exudes warmth and happiness, and people are instantaneously attracted to that positive energy. Smiling brings happiness to everyone you meet.

This hypnosis download can help you smile more and really transform your mood into a positive one. People can be magnetically drawn to you because of your positive energy and smile. You can also feel a mood boost that can help you in all areas of your life including work, relationships, abundance, and life in general.

hypnosis download
Embrace Your Smile

  • Magnetically Attract others to you.

  • Activate your natural ability to smile.

  • Effortlessly smile more and feel better.


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latest reviews from our customers

This program uses NLP, hypnosis, affirmations and visualisation to train your mind to smile more and to smile more naturally. The music and Victoria's voice are very relaxing and it is very enjoyable to listen to over and over again. It also runs through the many reasons it is good to smile more often which reinforces it on the unconscious level. Thoroughly enjoyed it ! :)
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I recently had to prepare for a very prominent public talk. During the training session, the speaker coach commented that I look very serious on stage, almost like I want to cry. She said that I have to keep smiling during my talk. While I practiced it deliberately, I listened to this session during the preparation phase. Before I consciously realised it, smiling all the time just came naturally to me. This session really works.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I bought this for several reasons. One, over the years, because of my line of work, I have developed a "poker face" of sorts that I have been told makes me look "mean." Even though that was what I was going for, I have enough experience now that it doesn't matter to me what anyone thinks. Two, I have learned a lot through hypnosis about "psychology following physiology" and that smiling with the body can actually make the mind happy. It's all part of a big change I'm making in the way that I think about everything. This has been very effective! The anchor/trigger to bring back the happy feeling is a great tool!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
very happy with this product. It helps you to realize the unique power of a smile. Victoria's voice is always so pleasing to listen too
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
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latest reviews from our customers

This program uses NLP, hypnosis, affirmations and visualisation to train your mind to smile more and to smile more naturally. The music and Victoria's voice are very relaxing and it is very enjoyable to listen to over and over again. It also runs through the many reasons it is good to smile more often which reinforces it on the unconscious level. Thoroughly enjoyed it ! :)
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I recently had to prepare for a very prominent public talk. During the training session, the speaker coach commented that I look very serious on stage, almost like I want to cry. She said that I have to keep smiling during my talk. While I practiced it deliberately, I listened to this session during the preparation phase. Before I consciously realised it, smiling all the time just came naturally to me. This session really works.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I bought this for several reasons. One, over the years, because of my line of work, I have developed a "poker face" of sorts that I have been told makes me look "mean." Even though that was what I was going for, I have enough experience now that it doesn't matter to me what anyone thinks. Two, I have learned a lot through hypnosis about "psychology following physiology" and that smiling with the body can actually make the mind happy. It's all part of a big change I'm making in the way that I think about everything. This has been very effective! The anchor/trigger to bring back the happy feeling is a great tool!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
very happy with this product. It helps you to realize the unique power of a smile. Victoria's voice is always so pleasing to listen too
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.