Public Speaking Confidence
hypnosis download

Do you freeze up in front of a group of people?

Do you want to improve your public speaking?

Do you wish you could become more confident and enjoy public speaking?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, this hypnosis session is just what the doctor ordered. You would be surprised to learn that the fear of public speaking is the most common problem faced by people today. Overcoming this fear is sometimes very difficult for people; this prevents them from being able to enjoy public speaking.

Victoria created this program to help you become more confident and improve your public speaking skills through the power of hypnosis. You can forget your fear, and naturally say the right thing at just the right time. The power to enjoy public speaking lies within your own mind. Victoria is here, with her soft soothing voice, to help walk you through the steps you need to take to overcome your fear of public speaking, and become more confident in your social interactions.

You can gain confidence in your skills and feel calm and relaxed and completely at ease in front of an audience. This simple, quick, and effective hypnosis program can allow you to improve your public speaking, feel well-prepared, and overall enjoy public speaking. Are you ready to overcome your fear of public speaking? Do you have a cause you want to support? Perhaps a speech you need to deliver to pass a class?

When you buy this hypnosis program for the low price of $29.00 you can shine in front of any audience you choose to address.

hypnosis download
Public Speaking Confidence
  • Overcome fears of public speaking.

  • Feel calm and relaxed in front of an audience.

  • Hone your communication skills.


latest reviews from our customers

I have always been more of a "one on one" type of gal when it comes to my work - most in my element and influence when interfacing with an individual. While it has been fulfilling to work with people in this capacity over the years, it has also been limiting, and I could no longer keep shying away from invitations to connect with a wider audience. Ever since elementary school, I can remember disliking getting up to speak in front of a crowd. I always felt anxious and so self-conscious that it was a terrifying experience instead of a liberating one. Well, this November I was invited to facilitate an event and I knew it was time to work through my fears and rise to the occasion. Though I had already been listening to several HypTalk tracks with excellent results, it only dawned on me two days before the event to look and see if Victoria had anything available to help with public speaking. Lo and behold I found this track - and with help of another reviewer I decided to purchase it along with "Be Charismatic". I listened to both tracks on the Wednesday, Thursday, and then this track again on the Friday before the event that evening. To my surprise, even with such short time to work with the tracks, the event was a smashing success. It more than exceeded my expectations in every way. Not only was I well prepared but I was completely at ease and able to engage the entire audience in a tangible way throughout the evening. Each and every person there came up to hug me and share their enthusiasm about their experience. I have another group event coming up next week and am feeling very excited about it!!! I am certain that the hypnosis tracks made this possible. Thank you so much, Victoria - I have seen a massive shift in my professional life since August with your help!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I used to do public speaking in school and although I was fairly good at it, I felt a great deal of anxiety while preparing and during the presentation itself. I am now preparing to do a TEDx talk next month and I immediately bought this session when I was notified about it. Like Victoria's other products, this one definitely delivers on quality and value. I have already listened to this session a few times and it helped me with my preparation for the first audition of the talk. I am definitely going to listen to this over and over the next few weeks as part of my preparation for the talk.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Definitely works!! I listened to this recording before my presentation to large audience for about 15 days and I started feeling confident. I was motivated to prepare well and practice, since my mind had already imagined the positive scenario during my presentation. I was very confident and calm during the actual presentation.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is one of my favourite recordings. I used to struggle with public speaking. I purchased this session after I gained a position where I had to give lots talks. After listening to it on regular basis, I was able to remain calm and surprised of my ability to find the right words to say in right time. People complimented afterwards on how well I was speaking and how impressed they were. This recording like other recordings from hyptalk are my magic weapon. Highly recommended!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This has helped me speak with confidence when I'm on a big birthday party, to stand up infront of all people and tell a joke, and they laughed! I've started taking the possibilities to speak in groups and enjoying it. Now I see it as a small challenge instead of being terrified! It's amazing.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This hypnosis recording is very helpful for anyone seeking to be able to overcome public speaking fears as well achieving goals. If you are a having trouble with public speaking then this hypnosis session will help you to be a more effective.

The hypnosis session has three inductions back to back to create an extraordinary deep trance. The first induction suggests you breath and relax. The second induction has you open your eyes and then suggests you naturally close your eyes, i.e. fractionalization. The third induction suggests that when you hear the numbers 100, 99, 97, etc. while visualizing the numbers in your mind then you will repeat the numbers out loud while going deeper and deeper into trance. This is one of the deepest hypnosis sessions I have experienced.

The suggestion portion of the hypnosis session is broken into roughly five parts. The first part suggests that you repeat the following affirmations like "I can do anything I want to do," " I can achieve any goal I want to achieve " and "I am becoming a very good public speaker."

In the second part, you are suggested to realize that your inner feelings are energy when in front of an audience and that you can be calm and relaxed. You are also suggested to turn your emotions into the emotions of calm, relaxed and at ease feelings. Further, you are suggested that your are becoming a successful public speaker. Also, you are suggested to do the right thing, and say the right thing at the right time. Finally, you are suggested to think clearly, speak clearly and effectively in a succinct way.

In the third part, you are suggested to imagine speaking in front of an audience and feel it being an enjoyable experience. In addition, you are suggested to feel confident and getting your message across. Further, you are suggested to feel good about the speaking experience while speaking in a simple, direct way. Finally, you are suggested to visualize speaking in a charismatic motivating, and energetic way while making eye contact with the audience.

In the fourth part, you are suggested that you have a gift and it is your job to share that gift. In addition, you are suggested to be fully prepared for your speech. (FYI: Lawyers are recommended by an ABA video to rehearse your speech at least four times.) Finally, you are suggested to that you have everything it takes to be an effective speaker.

In the fifth part, you are suggested repeat a series of affirmations like "I can do anything I want to do" and "I feel good talking to other people". Further, you are suggested to repeat "I am becoming a good public speaker." You are finally taken out of the trance by being suggested to awaken at the count of five.

Overall, I found the hypnosis session important to my personal growth because I am a lawyer and need to feel perfectly at ease speaking in public. You cannot think your way into being a good public speaker but you have to approach the problem emotionally through your subconscious mind much like building confidence. I would also recommend you also purchase HypTalk's "Be Charismatic," "Circle of Confidence" and "Boost Your Power and Influence" downloads.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Anon Imus
I bought this session because I had to do some presentation and in fact will do so very often on my path as a student and later also. I always had some kind of anxiety when speaking publically, so I listened to it before the presentation and the presentation went very well for me.

In this session Victoria will inform you that a little excitement is normal and actually gives you the energy you need to perform well. There are lots of affirmations for becoming a good public speaker, to think and speak calmly and clearly. In other words all you need for the job ahead. A visualisation for you to be in front of an audience is a part of this recording too, and you will learn to enjoy standing there and speaking.

Because the session worked well for me I recommend it to all of you who are dealing with too much anxiety before and during a presentation, despite the fact that they are well prepared.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is a good hypnosis session that really helps with public speaking issues. I have been afraid of public speaking as long as I can remember, and already during the first session I felt more comfortable imagining speaking in front of a larger group. When I met up with some people later, I noticed I was more talkative than I usually am as well. Very good!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I am lawyer by profession and used to feel very nervous in my court appearances. But, I didn't have a choice as this is what studied for. I decided to listen to this download in order to feel better during my court appearances. I must say that in the last six months there has been considerable improvement. In fact my peers noticed and have given positive feedback.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
My daughter struggles with getting in front of groups to the extent she gets sick over the thought of it. This hypnosis has taken the edge off and the fear is not close to what it was.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have purchased this product a while ago, and have gotten into the habit of listening to it once or twice the day before I have a presentation to make. Later on, I find that when I'm giving my presentations, I'm much more animated and enthusiastic about the topics that I'm talking about. Further, I can see from the looks on the faces of the people that I'm presenting to that they tend to be much more interested in what I have to say, and, at times, they become so engrossed in my presentations that they don't want them to end. In addition, during this program Victoria encourages you to plan your presentations beforehand, which I think is a wise thing to do. Finally, as the title suggests, I am indeed a much more confident public speaker for a day or so after listening to the program.

I definitely recommend this product.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
First of all listening to Victoria's voice is an extremely pleasant experience.
As I occasionally give lectures, I thought it would be useful to increase my confidence talking in front of a great number of people. It turned out to be a good idea as after a few times of listening the session, I really felt myself a different person when was to give my next lecture on a whole new topic. I was astounded by the result feeling more calm, well prepared and much more worthy.

Thank you Victoria.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Being a student, I am required to do presentations ALL THE TIME!

I never liked them to be honest! I get so nervous! My voice, when I start talking, starts shaking! I hated it! Even if I knew most of the people in class, I still have that nervousness within me.

I don't have a problem talking to people individually. It is when I start talking to groups of people that I feel my nerves. All the attention focused on me. Everyone is quite waiting for me to say something and start!

If I had my way, I would just run away and never go back! But I want high grades. And presenting in front of people is part of my mark. I cant let my nervousness and fear to hold me back from getting a 4.0 average.

There are times when it is not that bad. But then there are times when it is really bad!

This session is very helpful. I knew I had to get this because I don't like having the fear of public speaking when I always have to do it. Specially now, when I go back to school in like two weeks, I have a philosophy class that requires A LOT of oral presentation.

I was very relaxed when I listened to this recording. Victoria pretty much focused on helping me relax. I would say it was a huge chunk of the session.

This session is 26 minutes long.

I find that Victoria's voice was a little bit different in this recording. It was not really her voice, it was like, she sounded far away compare to other sessions. It was relaxing. I don't really know how to explain it.

Victoria led me through a visualization of me presenting. I was in front of an audience. I was very calm, confident, and knew what I was talking about. It felt good. I was actually doing it! Presenting without fear or nervousness. I knew what I was talking about, people loved what I was talking about. It was a really cool experience.

She also talked about how I have something to say and people want to hear it!

I like telling people what I want to say. I don't have a problem doing this when I am just talking to one person or I am writing it in the internet just like this review. It is just talking in front of so many people that gets me.

I would have to listen to this recording again. Actually, I am going to listen to this recording before I present something in class or talk in front of people.

After this session, I feel much more relaxed when I think about my philosophy class. I take this as a good sign.

Thank you!

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
very good
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Emma Jackson
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latest reviews from our customers

I have always been more of a "one on one" type of gal when it comes to my work - most in my element and influence when interfacing with an individual. While it has been fulfilling to work with people in this capacity over the years, it has also been limiting, and I could no longer keep shying away from invitations to connect with a wider audience. Ever since elementary school, I can remember disliking getting up to speak in front of a crowd. I always felt anxious and so self-conscious that it was a terrifying experience instead of a liberating one. Well, this November I was invited to facilitate an event and I knew it was time to work through my fears and rise to the occasion. Though I had already been listening to several HypTalk tracks with excellent results, it only dawned on me two days before the event to look and see if Victoria had anything available to help with public speaking. Lo and behold I found this track - and with help of another reviewer I decided to purchase it along with "Be Charismatic". I listened to both tracks on the Wednesday, Thursday, and then this track again on the Friday before the event that evening. To my surprise, even with such short time to work with the tracks, the event was a smashing success. It more than exceeded my expectations in every way. Not only was I well prepared but I was completely at ease and able to engage the entire audience in a tangible way throughout the evening. Each and every person there came up to hug me and share their enthusiasm about their experience. I have another group event coming up next week and am feeling very excited about it!!! I am certain that the hypnosis tracks made this possible. Thank you so much, Victoria - I have seen a massive shift in my professional life since August with your help!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I used to do public speaking in school and although I was fairly good at it, I felt a great deal of anxiety while preparing and during the presentation itself. I am now preparing to do a TEDx talk next month and I immediately bought this session when I was notified about it. Like Victoria's other products, this one definitely delivers on quality and value. I have already listened to this session a few times and it helped me with my preparation for the first audition of the talk. I am definitely going to listen to this over and over the next few weeks as part of my preparation for the talk.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Definitely works!! I listened to this recording before my presentation to large audience for about 15 days and I started feeling confident. I was motivated to prepare well and practice, since my mind had already imagined the positive scenario during my presentation. I was very confident and calm during the actual presentation.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is one of my favourite recordings. I used to struggle with public speaking. I purchased this session after I gained a position where I had to give lots talks. After listening to it on regular basis, I was able to remain calm and surprised of my ability to find the right words to say in right time. People complimented afterwards on how well I was speaking and how impressed they were. This recording like other recordings from hyptalk are my magic weapon. Highly recommended!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This has helped me speak with confidence when I'm on a big birthday party, to stand up infront of all people and tell a joke, and they laughed! I've started taking the possibilities to speak in groups and enjoying it. Now I see it as a small challenge instead of being terrified! It's amazing.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This hypnosis recording is very helpful for anyone seeking to be able to overcome public speaking fears as well achieving goals. If you are a having trouble with public speaking then this hypnosis session will help you to be a more effective.

The hypnosis session has three inductions back to back to create an extraordinary deep trance. The first induction suggests you breath and relax. The second induction has you open your eyes and then suggests you naturally close your eyes, i.e. fractionalization. The third induction suggests that when you hear the numbers 100, 99, 97, etc. while visualizing the numbers in your mind then you will repeat the numbers out loud while going deeper and deeper into trance. This is one of the deepest hypnosis sessions I have experienced.

The suggestion portion of the hypnosis session is broken into roughly five parts. The first part suggests that you repeat the following affirmations like "I can do anything I want to do," " I can achieve any goal I want to achieve " and "I am becoming a very good public speaker."

In the second part, you are suggested to realize that your inner feelings are energy when in front of an audience and that you can be calm and relaxed. You are also suggested to turn your emotions into the emotions of calm, relaxed and at ease feelings. Further, you are suggested that your are becoming a successful public speaker. Also, you are suggested to do the right thing, and say the right thing at the right time. Finally, you are suggested to think clearly, speak clearly and effectively in a succinct way.

In the third part, you are suggested to imagine speaking in front of an audience and feel it being an enjoyable experience. In addition, you are suggested to feel confident and getting your message across. Further, you are suggested to feel good about the speaking experience while speaking in a simple, direct way. Finally, you are suggested to visualize speaking in a charismatic motivating, and energetic way while making eye contact with the audience.

In the fourth part, you are suggested that you have a gift and it is your job to share that gift. In addition, you are suggested to be fully prepared for your speech. (FYI: Lawyers are recommended by an ABA video to rehearse your speech at least four times.) Finally, you are suggested to that you have everything it takes to be an effective speaker.

In the fifth part, you are suggested repeat a series of affirmations like "I can do anything I want to do" and "I feel good talking to other people". Further, you are suggested to repeat "I am becoming a good public speaker." You are finally taken out of the trance by being suggested to awaken at the count of five.

Overall, I found the hypnosis session important to my personal growth because I am a lawyer and need to feel perfectly at ease speaking in public. You cannot think your way into being a good public speaker but you have to approach the problem emotionally through your subconscious mind much like building confidence. I would also recommend you also purchase HypTalk's "Be Charismatic," "Circle of Confidence" and "Boost Your Power and Influence" downloads.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Anon Imus
I bought this session because I had to do some presentation and in fact will do so very often on my path as a student and later also. I always had some kind of anxiety when speaking publically, so I listened to it before the presentation and the presentation went very well for me.

In this session Victoria will inform you that a little excitement is normal and actually gives you the energy you need to perform well. There are lots of affirmations for becoming a good public speaker, to think and speak calmly and clearly. In other words all you need for the job ahead. A visualisation for you to be in front of an audience is a part of this recording too, and you will learn to enjoy standing there and speaking.

Because the session worked well for me I recommend it to all of you who are dealing with too much anxiety before and during a presentation, despite the fact that they are well prepared.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This is a good hypnosis session that really helps with public speaking issues. I have been afraid of public speaking as long as I can remember, and already during the first session I felt more comfortable imagining speaking in front of a larger group. When I met up with some people later, I noticed I was more talkative than I usually am as well. Very good!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I am lawyer by profession and used to feel very nervous in my court appearances. But, I didn't have a choice as this is what studied for. I decided to listen to this download in order to feel better during my court appearances. I must say that in the last six months there has been considerable improvement. In fact my peers noticed and have given positive feedback.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
My daughter struggles with getting in front of groups to the extent she gets sick over the thought of it. This hypnosis has taken the edge off and the fear is not close to what it was.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have purchased this product a while ago, and have gotten into the habit of listening to it once or twice the day before I have a presentation to make. Later on, I find that when I'm giving my presentations, I'm much more animated and enthusiastic about the topics that I'm talking about. Further, I can see from the looks on the faces of the people that I'm presenting to that they tend to be much more interested in what I have to say, and, at times, they become so engrossed in my presentations that they don't want them to end. In addition, during this program Victoria encourages you to plan your presentations beforehand, which I think is a wise thing to do. Finally, as the title suggests, I am indeed a much more confident public speaker for a day or so after listening to the program.

I definitely recommend this product.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
First of all listening to Victoria's voice is an extremely pleasant experience.
As I occasionally give lectures, I thought it would be useful to increase my confidence talking in front of a great number of people. It turned out to be a good idea as after a few times of listening the session, I really felt myself a different person when was to give my next lecture on a whole new topic. I was astounded by the result feeling more calm, well prepared and much more worthy.

Thank you Victoria.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Being a student, I am required to do presentations ALL THE TIME!

I never liked them to be honest! I get so nervous! My voice, when I start talking, starts shaking! I hated it! Even if I knew most of the people in class, I still have that nervousness within me.

I don't have a problem talking to people individually. It is when I start talking to groups of people that I feel my nerves. All the attention focused on me. Everyone is quite waiting for me to say something and start!

If I had my way, I would just run away and never go back! But I want high grades. And presenting in front of people is part of my mark. I cant let my nervousness and fear to hold me back from getting a 4.0 average.

There are times when it is not that bad. But then there are times when it is really bad!

This session is very helpful. I knew I had to get this because I don't like having the fear of public speaking when I always have to do it. Specially now, when I go back to school in like two weeks, I have a philosophy class that requires A LOT of oral presentation.

I was very relaxed when I listened to this recording. Victoria pretty much focused on helping me relax. I would say it was a huge chunk of the session.

This session is 26 minutes long.

I find that Victoria's voice was a little bit different in this recording. It was not really her voice, it was like, she sounded far away compare to other sessions. It was relaxing. I don't really know how to explain it.

Victoria led me through a visualization of me presenting. I was in front of an audience. I was very calm, confident, and knew what I was talking about. It felt good. I was actually doing it! Presenting without fear or nervousness. I knew what I was talking about, people loved what I was talking about. It was a really cool experience.

She also talked about how I have something to say and people want to hear it!

I like telling people what I want to say. I don't have a problem doing this when I am just talking to one person or I am writing it in the internet just like this review. It is just talking in front of so many people that gets me.

I would have to listen to this recording again. Actually, I am going to listen to this recording before I present something in class or talk in front of people.

After this session, I feel much more relaxed when I think about my philosophy class. I take this as a good sign.

Thank you!

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
very good
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Emma Jackson