
Personal Growth and Self Awareness

When you look at your life, are you happy with what you see? As you trace your history from the beginning to the present, do you delight at what you have achieved or do you look down at what you have done? People are not expected to be great but they are expected to grow. As little children, you were expected to flourish and develop into a better version of yourself. It may sound silly but some people are not able to experience true growth because they are not aware of who they truly are.

Importance of Self-Awareness

Before you can effectively achieve some transformation in your life, it is important that you are self-aware. Self-awareness is the first step to change; you have to make yourself aware of your current situation, your problems, your strengths and your weaknesses. It is important that you know yourself completely so that you can make proper changes, where change is needed. It is important that you know yourself and you know what the problem is, so that you can address the situation better.

How to Develop Self-Awareness

It is not easy but it is not impossible to develop self-awareness if you do not have it yet. There is no shortcut that you can take, for sure, but there are strategies that you can take:

• Learn to observe and monitor your life. Be more aware of what is happenings and study how these things are affecting your life.

• Think more of yourself, for a change. Stop looking at other people; stop looking at them and comparing yourself because it will not do you any good. Instead of focussing on other people, look at your life and see what could be done to make things better. Think of yourself, focus on what you can do and not what others are abl to do for their lives.

• Learn to embrace everything about yourself. May it be the bad or the good, you will need to learn to accept yourself for who you truly are, because when you are able to do that, then you will see that it will be easier for other people to embrace who you are, as well. It is not easy to accept one’s self completely. It is easier to pick on whatever you see about yourself but you have to learn to embrace everything so that you can move on, move forward and use it, for your own benefit.

• Explore your strengths and weakness. People have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some people will have things that they are good at and you have to be aware of them; and some people will have things that they are insufficient in, and you have to face these, too, however difficult. It is important for you to face the truth because when you know yourself through and through, you can enhance your strengths so that you can use it and you can improve your weaknesses, so that you can seek to become so much better than who you are today.

Self Awareness Meditation
  • Reconnect with who you are.
  • Redirect your life in positive ways.
  • Get crystal clear about what you want.