Work At Home
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Looking for a Work at Home Opportunity?

Are you a stay-at-home parent looking to make money

Do you have a great work at home idea but need to get inspired?

Would you like to run your own business, but you just lack the motivation or belief to go for it?

If you are just sick and tired of the same old 9 to 5 in an office or don't ever want to deal with being laid off again, now is the time to get serious about giving hypnosis a chance to help you with your goal of working from home.

This hypnosis session can help you experience what it's like to run your own business as you go deep into trance and set your intention to make it happen. Are you ready for this to happen for you? Are you ready to work for yourself? Are you ready to be wealthy? Are you ready for the financial freedom it is going to bring you? You can have a successful business that can allow you to leave your old job behind and be your own boss.

Imagine the independence of waking up whenever you'd like, knowing you can have plenty of income coming in that day. You deserve to have that opportunity. You know you can do it. And you can follow through now and make it happen. You can train your subconscious mind to believe in and pursue this goal.

When you buy Work from Home Hypnosis for only $29.00, you are tapping into your future and using the power of your subconscious mind to help you achieve your dreams and change your life for the better today.

hypnosis download
Work At Home
  • Encouragement to help you to make money at home.

  • Attain the motivation you need to run your own business.

  • Tap into the follow through to make it happen.


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latest reviews from our customers

I have reaped many benefits from this CD. I brought it years ago and at that time I didn't believe it was possible for me to work for home. But after listening I began to do little things from home like apply for mystery shop jobs that allowed me to find survey jobs that actually paid. I started getting calls to do jobs in my area that allowed me to input material at home. I later started selling items online. And to this day I work from home in one form or another.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
After listening to this only twice I am feeling more confident and determined to start a home based business. Victoria's statements in this audio are exactly what my mind needs to hear. Her voice is calming to listen to yet affirming.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I work from home, and am much more disciplined than ever before.

Nowadays, instead of just watching YouTube videos as opposed to working (ie. Being Distracted), I play it in the background while I work.

I think it is fantastic because it gives me that discipline for working while at home, without taking anything away !
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
After just a few listens to this hypnosis I got more and more motivated to go after my dream with my own business working from home. I have felt so dependent on my workplace up until now, but now I finally feel that I can make it on my own!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
P. Em
Ok, so I purchased this hypnosis in Nov. 2012. I tried to listen to it everyday for 30 days like the introduction suggested. Unfortunately, for me I only listened consistently for two weeks and then randomly from then on. I must say...this product helped me land a virtual position with a global credit merchant in July of 2013. I trulybelieve that had I followed the instructions I might've landed my role even sooner. I have this specific hypnosis mp3, the power of positive thinking and the good Lord to thank for my manifestation. This is not my first product from her either...she is very good at what she does. This isn't the first item which has helped me either, I am such a believer in her work that once I start creating my wealth (which I downloaded this evening) all my stuff will be customized!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Caramella Moet
I started a harble bussines from home and it is doing very well thans Vic.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Everything was great except this one thing - the part where I was so visualize shaking my boss's hand, wishing him goodbye, did not really apply to me as I had actually loved my job, and only worked at it part-time anyway. It only applied to people who don't like their jobs. It also does not apply to people who don't even have jobs in the first place. So, I wish the hypnosis was more inclusive of such people as well. Other than that, it was top-notch as always.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This session is really helping me to see that I CAN work from home. My business is a perfect idea that I can do from anywhere. My plan is to retire from corporate work and move to the shore. This session is giving me the confidence to go for it!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
It took me several months for this program to sink in, but I faithfully listened to it almost daily since I got it at the end of May 2011. At first, I felt a block whenever I listened to the program, but it gradually dissipated over time. To my amazement, although I started from zero, things are happening out of the blue and they are coming together almost effortlessly. Now I am getting repeating clients for my work from home and I truly enjoy it! And guess what, I still listen to it daily on my iPod with other Victoria's programs. Thank you so much for the wonderful product.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
About a month ago I ordered the work at home hypnosis. I had already used Victoria's simple and free hypnosis videos on youtube regularly and benefitted so much I wanted to try something from her store to support her work as well as support my own forward momentum.
At the time, I really wanted to take my home business to the next level so that I could quit my waitressing job that I hated, but I had too much mental dependence on this external income source and frankly, I lacked the faith in myself to make enough money from my home business...and there really wasn't a lot of proof showing up as income so I always had my business on the back burner.
I started listening to the work from home hypnosis every night before bed, and even though I went into a very deep trance each time, which felt basically like sleeping at times, I always came out at the end, so I knew I was reaching the deep levels of the subconscious as opposed to sleeping through the suggestions.

a couple weeks after listening, I actually went to my job ready to work and discovered that a couple of employees lacking in integrity had gotten me fired by lying and telling that I didn't do my work, when I actually hadn't done THEIR work. This was definitely the Universe intervening in my life because I was too afraid to quit this job, I felt it was the only way I could pay my bills. I have never been fired before, and what kind of boss doesn't call and tell you that he stopped putting you on the schedule? This whole situation was definitely lacking in integrity and I had to shoved out of there in order to find my wings.
I quickly set my focus and followed my intuition in my home business and tried some new advertising tactics with my sudden desperation to make ends meet. Low and behold, my business took off like wildfire, and as soon as my schedule was cleared from the negative drain I thought was my only means of income, everything else just clicked into place. I found several new income streams to tie in meeting all my needs, and I am now making a very comfortable income, fat exceeding what I was making at my previous job, as well as exceeding all my own expectations about my business.
I can't tell you how wonderful and amazing it is to suddenly be my own boss, make my own schedule and be totally independent from the life sucking drain on my existence. I am happier than I have ever been, I love my life and all for a tiny investment in Victoria's excellent product. Since the product has worked wonders and brought me back into my sweet spot, I ordered a new hypnosis from Victoria on creating perfect health. I'll have a new report for you in short order as I certainly feel her products are worth their weight in gold.
If you've been wanting to work from home but need that confidence and the push to get there, this product is definitely for you. Thankyou so much Victoria! My eternal gratitude.
Crystal in Alaska
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
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latest reviews from our customers

I have reaped many benefits from this CD. I brought it years ago and at that time I didn't believe it was possible for me to work for home. But after listening I began to do little things from home like apply for mystery shop jobs that allowed me to find survey jobs that actually paid. I started getting calls to do jobs in my area that allowed me to input material at home. I later started selling items online. And to this day I work from home in one form or another.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
After listening to this only twice I am feeling more confident and determined to start a home based business. Victoria's statements in this audio are exactly what my mind needs to hear. Her voice is calming to listen to yet affirming.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I work from home, and am much more disciplined than ever before.

Nowadays, instead of just watching YouTube videos as opposed to working (ie. Being Distracted), I play it in the background while I work.

I think it is fantastic because it gives me that discipline for working while at home, without taking anything away !
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
After just a few listens to this hypnosis I got more and more motivated to go after my dream with my own business working from home. I have felt so dependent on my workplace up until now, but now I finally feel that I can make it on my own!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
P. Em
Ok, so I purchased this hypnosis in Nov. 2012. I tried to listen to it everyday for 30 days like the introduction suggested. Unfortunately, for me I only listened consistently for two weeks and then randomly from then on. I must say...this product helped me land a virtual position with a global credit merchant in July of 2013. I trulybelieve that had I followed the instructions I might've landed my role even sooner. I have this specific hypnosis mp3, the power of positive thinking and the good Lord to thank for my manifestation. This is not my first product from her either...she is very good at what she does. This isn't the first item which has helped me either, I am such a believer in her work that once I start creating my wealth (which I downloaded this evening) all my stuff will be customized!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Caramella Moet
I started a harble bussines from home and it is doing very well thans Vic.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Everything was great except this one thing - the part where I was so visualize shaking my boss's hand, wishing him goodbye, did not really apply to me as I had actually loved my job, and only worked at it part-time anyway. It only applied to people who don't like their jobs. It also does not apply to people who don't even have jobs in the first place. So, I wish the hypnosis was more inclusive of such people as well. Other than that, it was top-notch as always.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This session is really helping me to see that I CAN work from home. My business is a perfect idea that I can do from anywhere. My plan is to retire from corporate work and move to the shore. This session is giving me the confidence to go for it!
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
It took me several months for this program to sink in, but I faithfully listened to it almost daily since I got it at the end of May 2011. At first, I felt a block whenever I listened to the program, but it gradually dissipated over time. To my amazement, although I started from zero, things are happening out of the blue and they are coming together almost effortlessly. Now I am getting repeating clients for my work from home and I truly enjoy it! And guess what, I still listen to it daily on my iPod with other Victoria's programs. Thank you so much for the wonderful product.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
About a month ago I ordered the work at home hypnosis. I had already used Victoria's simple and free hypnosis videos on youtube regularly and benefitted so much I wanted to try something from her store to support her work as well as support my own forward momentum.
At the time, I really wanted to take my home business to the next level so that I could quit my waitressing job that I hated, but I had too much mental dependence on this external income source and frankly, I lacked the faith in myself to make enough money from my home business...and there really wasn't a lot of proof showing up as income so I always had my business on the back burner.
I started listening to the work from home hypnosis every night before bed, and even though I went into a very deep trance each time, which felt basically like sleeping at times, I always came out at the end, so I knew I was reaching the deep levels of the subconscious as opposed to sleeping through the suggestions.

a couple weeks after listening, I actually went to my job ready to work and discovered that a couple of employees lacking in integrity had gotten me fired by lying and telling that I didn't do my work, when I actually hadn't done THEIR work. This was definitely the Universe intervening in my life because I was too afraid to quit this job, I felt it was the only way I could pay my bills. I have never been fired before, and what kind of boss doesn't call and tell you that he stopped putting you on the schedule? This whole situation was definitely lacking in integrity and I had to shoved out of there in order to find my wings.
I quickly set my focus and followed my intuition in my home business and tried some new advertising tactics with my sudden desperation to make ends meet. Low and behold, my business took off like wildfire, and as soon as my schedule was cleared from the negative drain I thought was my only means of income, everything else just clicked into place. I found several new income streams to tie in meeting all my needs, and I am now making a very comfortable income, fat exceeding what I was making at my previous job, as well as exceeding all my own expectations about my business.
I can't tell you how wonderful and amazing it is to suddenly be my own boss, make my own schedule and be totally independent from the life sucking drain on my existence. I am happier than I have ever been, I love my life and all for a tiny investment in Victoria's excellent product. Since the product has worked wonders and brought me back into my sweet spot, I ordered a new hypnosis from Victoria on creating perfect health. I'll have a new report for you in short order as I certainly feel her products are worth their weight in gold.
If you've been wanting to work from home but need that confidence and the push to get there, this product is definitely for you. Thankyou so much Victoria! My eternal gratitude.
Crystal in Alaska
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.