Magnify Your Manifesting Muscles Script
Become Clear About and Closer to Your Desires

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The energy that you put into your emotions, thoughts, words, and actions is constantly responded to by the Universe.

What will begin to manifest is whatever you choose to focus on due to the Law of Attraction.

If you're giving consistent energy to something, it manifests far more quickly than it would with inconsistent energy.

When you want to get better at attracting things into reality, first you need to align your thoughts, energy, and beliefs with what you intend to manifest. It will come to you as quickly as you bring yourself into alignment with it. Perhaps this sounds easy, and it can be - when you have the manifesting mindset.

You can get very clear about your desires and then magnify everything about them by using this hypnosis. Your subconscious mind will receive suggestions that will enable you to feel everything about what you're looking to manifest. What will it be like when it happens? How will it change your life? How grateful will you be for it? Believing in this reality will be possible because you will feel and experience it.

It is within your power to change your life any way that you please. Take advantage of the opportunities that this incredible hypnosis will enable you to create. Start magnifying your manifesting muscles to make your dreams become your reality!

Magnify Your Manifesting Muscles Script
  • Experience a High Vibration.

  • Visualize with Perfect Clarity.

  • Feel the Power of Your Manifestations.

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