Control Sleep Apnea
hypnosis download

Are you having trouble breathing in your sleep?

Do you find yourself waking up and feeling like you are still tired?

Does Sleep Apnea affect your restful state upon waking?

Do you want to breathe easy again in your sleep and remove any blockages you might have that are keeping you from receiving a restful and restorative night's sleep?

Working with the subconscious mind, as you can be doing, can have a dramatic impact when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. You know that hypnotherapy is a powerful and proven method when it comes to curing your sleep apnea. Since your subconscious mind has a memory for virtually everything you have ever done, it can easily and comfortably remember healthy sleeping patterns. Your subconscious mind easily remembers those times in your life when you had a high quality, undisturbed sleep pattern. You can be focusing on those times in this hypnosis and bringing them into your current frame of mind.

Your subconscious mind can also retrieve and remove any blockages you might have that are keeping you from receiving a restful and restorative night's sleep.

Your brain can correct any issues that were previously preventing you from getting a healthy and restorative night's sleep. And just like that, sleep can come easily to you, and you can breathe deeply and clearly all through the night.

You are going to be guided to an extremely relaxing and peaceful place, a sort of inner sanctum in your mind - a place deep inside yourself where you can go to release sub-conscious emotions, memories, and events that may have inadvertently led to Sleep Apnea. Once you observe and release these memories, you can sleep easily and comfortably all through the night, just like you slept as a child.

This hypnosis download can help you breathe easily and clearly all night long. Your airway can stay open all through the night, so you are able to sleep restfully. No longer can you have pauses in your breathing or similar scary instances.

When you breathe easily and comfortably, you always get a good night's sleep. There are also many things you can do at a conscious level to help you get a good night's sleep including eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of invigorating exercise and keeping your weight under control. You can also sure you avoid caffeine after a certain hour; this ensures you can always have a restful and restorative night's sleep.

hypnosis download
Control Sleep Apnea
  • Breathe easy again.

  • Get a good night's sleep.

  • Extremely relaxing and peaceful.

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latest reviews from our customers

My husband had (from my viewpoint) pretty bad sleep apnea. I'd often awake to him not breathing, and wait. Then he's snort, sometimes awaking himself, and start breathing regularly. For a while. I got him the Control Sleep Apnea hypnosis, and he listened to it regularly for quite some time. Gradually he stopped this breathing pattern, and started breathing more and more regularly through the night. Even now, when he hasn't used the hypnosis in a couple of years, he rarely (and I'm talking less than once a month) has breathing issues at night. SUCCESS!!! Thank you, Victoria. :)
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have suffered from sleep apnea for more than 17 years. A sleep test showed that I have the most sever form of sleep apnea, and the doctor wanted to put med on a CPAP-machine. I refused, and started working on improving my breathing, which helped slightly, but not always. A month ago I started listening to Victoria´s hypnosis, as well as using eft (tapping). There been a huge improvment. I record my sleep in a snore app and the results are improving week by week. My partner can actually sleep next to me now. I also feel much more refreshed and don´t need to take naps or several times during the day. I highly recommend anyone with sleep apnea to try this. Thank you, Victoria.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I've snored for over 20 years and its gradually got a lost worse as I developed Apnea as well. This resulted in a lot of disturbed sleep where I would wake up feeling totally unrefreshed despite sleeping 8 hours or so. Increasingly I also woke myself up because the snoring/apnea.
I used both the snoring and this mp3 over a period of 4 weeks and both have have had remarkable effects.
Where the apnea mp3 has scored particularly well is that I don't wake up with my sinuses being blocked. I would wake up feeling as if I have a heavy cold but thanks to this mp3 those symptoms have abated by 85% which I'm more than happy with.
A friend of mine has the same problem, I did offer these mp3's to him but he's not interested - so he's having an operation...
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I suspected that I didn't breath properly during sleep when I noticed that during trance states I was holding my breath for some reason. So I decided to try this program. And now after a few days of listening I find I can sleep much better than before.

This recording also solves other problems that you might have during sleep, since it takes you back to when you were a child and slept well back then. So any blocks or inconveniences will be made to observe by the subconscious mind and then resolved. If you have experienced any problems with sleep, you should give this session a try.

Quality is great. And since sleep is vital it makes this program valuable.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I suffered badly with sleep Apnea.
The cpap machine dried my mouth , making me wake with the feeling of pliers squeezing my tongue.

Now I sleep well and wake revitalised.
I was surprised it started working after the first listen, and then got better.
I used to regularly sleep 18 hours a day.
Now back to 8 hours natural sleep, no more masks or MAD (Mandibular Advancement Device).

Thank you Victoria for a job well done.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Hello Victoria, . I purchased "Control Sleep Apnea" hypnotic recording, hoping to see some kind of relief from sleep apnea. (I am a person who just can't wear a CPAP) I have searched the internet for anything that would make any difference, I've tried some devices that move your jaw forward, or hold your tongue from falling back, but when I would finally go to sleep, apparently I'd throw them across the room in my sleep, because of discomfort.
So I have been listening to your hypnosis recording for about three weeks, every day and I have noticed waking in the morning (twice, so far) feeling much more rested and also noticed I had not waken up several times during the night, which is common for sleep apnea sufferers. I must say, I'm very impressed, because I've tried so many different things that just did not make any kind of positive change, until trying your "control Sleep Apnea hypnosis". I'm not saying I'm cured, but there's something that changed since I started,
Thanks so much James Stanton
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
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latest reviews from our customers

My husband had (from my viewpoint) pretty bad sleep apnea. I'd often awake to him not breathing, and wait. Then he's snort, sometimes awaking himself, and start breathing regularly. For a while. I got him the Control Sleep Apnea hypnosis, and he listened to it regularly for quite some time. Gradually he stopped this breathing pattern, and started breathing more and more regularly through the night. Even now, when he hasn't used the hypnosis in a couple of years, he rarely (and I'm talking less than once a month) has breathing issues at night. SUCCESS!!! Thank you, Victoria. :)
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have suffered from sleep apnea for more than 17 years. A sleep test showed that I have the most sever form of sleep apnea, and the doctor wanted to put med on a CPAP-machine. I refused, and started working on improving my breathing, which helped slightly, but not always. A month ago I started listening to Victoria´s hypnosis, as well as using eft (tapping). There been a huge improvment. I record my sleep in a snore app and the results are improving week by week. My partner can actually sleep next to me now. I also feel much more refreshed and don´t need to take naps or several times during the day. I highly recommend anyone with sleep apnea to try this. Thank you, Victoria.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I've snored for over 20 years and its gradually got a lost worse as I developed Apnea as well. This resulted in a lot of disturbed sleep where I would wake up feeling totally unrefreshed despite sleeping 8 hours or so. Increasingly I also woke myself up because the snoring/apnea.
I used both the snoring and this mp3 over a period of 4 weeks and both have have had remarkable effects.
Where the apnea mp3 has scored particularly well is that I don't wake up with my sinuses being blocked. I would wake up feeling as if I have a heavy cold but thanks to this mp3 those symptoms have abated by 85% which I'm more than happy with.
A friend of mine has the same problem, I did offer these mp3's to him but he's not interested - so he's having an operation...
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I suspected that I didn't breath properly during sleep when I noticed that during trance states I was holding my breath for some reason. So I decided to try this program. And now after a few days of listening I find I can sleep much better than before.

This recording also solves other problems that you might have during sleep, since it takes you back to when you were a child and slept well back then. So any blocks or inconveniences will be made to observe by the subconscious mind and then resolved. If you have experienced any problems with sleep, you should give this session a try.

Quality is great. And since sleep is vital it makes this program valuable.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I suffered badly with sleep Apnea.
The cpap machine dried my mouth , making me wake with the feeling of pliers squeezing my tongue.

Now I sleep well and wake revitalised.
I was surprised it started working after the first listen, and then got better.
I used to regularly sleep 18 hours a day.
Now back to 8 hours natural sleep, no more masks or MAD (Mandibular Advancement Device).

Thank you Victoria for a job well done.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
Hello Victoria, . I purchased "Control Sleep Apnea" hypnotic recording, hoping to see some kind of relief from sleep apnea. (I am a person who just can't wear a CPAP) I have searched the internet for anything that would make any difference, I've tried some devices that move your jaw forward, or hold your tongue from falling back, but when I would finally go to sleep, apparently I'd throw them across the room in my sleep, because of discomfort.
So I have been listening to your hypnosis recording for about three weeks, every day and I have noticed waking in the morning (twice, so far) feeling much more rested and also noticed I had not waken up several times during the night, which is common for sleep apnea sufferers. I must say, I'm very impressed, because I've tried so many different things that just did not make any kind of positive change, until trying your "control Sleep Apnea hypnosis". I'm not saying I'm cured, but there's something that changed since I started,
Thanks so much James Stanton
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.