Work At Home Script

Are you a stay-at-home parent looking to make money?

Do you have a great work at home idea but need to get inspired?

Would you like to run your own business, but you just lack the motivation or belief to go for it?

If you are just sick and tired of the same old 9 to 5 in an office or don't ever want to deal with being laid off again, now is the time to get serious about giving hypnosis a chance to help you with your goal of working from home.

This hypnosis session can help you experience what it's like to run your own business as you go deep into trance and set your intention to make it happen. Are you ready for this to happen for you? Are you ready to work for yourself? Are you ready to be wealthy? Are you ready for the financial freedom it is going to bring you? You can have a successful business that can allow you to leave your old job behind and be your own boss.

Imagine the independence of waking up whenever you'd like, knowing you can have plenty of income coming in that day. You deserve to have that opportunity. You know you can do it. And you can follow through now and make it happen. You can train your subconscious mind to believe in and pursue this goal.

Work At Home Script
  • Encouragement to help you to make money at home.

  • Attain the motivation you need to run your own business.

  • Ta into the follow through to make it happen.


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latest reviews from our customers

I want to work at home and earn a lot of money. I know Victoria’s products work and when I saw this script I did not hesitate and bought it immediately.

I combine it with Attract Employment and money- and prosperity-related mp3s to strengthen this script’s effect.

I already noticed a lot of changes in my life after I started to alter my lifestyle and way of thinking. Reading this script and practicing its exercises and affirmations I cleaned my mind and got rid of many bad habits such as perfectionism, procrastination, self-criticism and dependency on other people’s opinion.

Besides removal of this garbage from my head, I also got used to think and behave like a self-employed entrepreneur and had to obtain way of thinking and behavior of a person who works from home. I had to overcome many temptations since being at home means you can relax and just do nothing. So I had to get used to New behavior and re-schedule my life and my working pattern.

So this script helps me “stay toned” and behave like a home businessman. When I read this pdf, all temptations disappear. Although to make them disappear for a long time, I have to read this script very often. At least to get used to new way of thinking. So, the more you practice, the more you do at least something, the better and stronger will be your results.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
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latest reviews from our customers

I want to work at home and earn a lot of money. I know Victoria’s products work and when I saw this script I did not hesitate and bought it immediately.

I combine it with Attract Employment and money- and prosperity-related mp3s to strengthen this script’s effect.

I already noticed a lot of changes in my life after I started to alter my lifestyle and way of thinking. Reading this script and practicing its exercises and affirmations I cleaned my mind and got rid of many bad habits such as perfectionism, procrastination, self-criticism and dependency on other people’s opinion.

Besides removal of this garbage from my head, I also got used to think and behave like a self-employed entrepreneur and had to obtain way of thinking and behavior of a person who works from home. I had to overcome many temptations since being at home means you can relax and just do nothing. So I had to get used to New behavior and re-schedule my life and my working pattern.

So this script helps me “stay toned” and behave like a home businessman. When I read this pdf, all temptations disappear. Although to make them disappear for a long time, I have to read this script very often. At least to get used to new way of thinking. So, the more you practice, the more you do at least something, the better and stronger will be your results.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.