Perfectly Present - Here and Now
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Do you want more happiness in your life?

Do you hold onto too much resentment and want to learn to let go?

In the Perfectly Present- Here and Now hypnosis program, you learn to weed out the things that are distracting and unimportant.

You can feel energized, creative, positive, and focused. Just focusing on the present moment can give you a peace of mind and a sense of tranquility. To be present means you treasure the silence. It means you can take each day as it comes and cherish it, finding joy in every new moment.

As you continue to listen to this hypnosis program regularly, can help you to live in the present moment and enjoy all the great things that life has to offer you. You can find yourself experiencing life and living more now than ever before. You can have a sense of peace and tranquility about you. You are realizing that time is an illusion because all that matters is this exact moment

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Perfectly Present - Here and Now
  • Find peace of mind.

  • Live for the moment.

  • Let go of the unimportant.


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latest reviews from our customers

I own many hyptalk products, and I really enjoy them. At certain moments in my life they help me to feel better, more empowered, optimistic, etc.

This one, however, was very disappointing, I am sorry to say. I just bought it and tried it on immediately because I am obsessing about several things from my past that make me feel resentful and angry. The information about this product talks about letting go of the past and the future, so I though it would help, but the only thing it does is take you through a meadow and tell you to focus on the grass, the sky, the cottage, etc. I had to stop listening before it ended because I thought it was a waste of time and I was constantly thinking about my stuff. Thinking for 20 min on a field of grass definitely was not helpful.

I don´t know why I can´t listen in my computer (a Mac) to the sample on the website. Had I been able to know what it was about, I wouldn´t have wasted my money. Sorry.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This recording has helped me so much. When you embrace the present moment and live in it, everything is just smoother. I stress less, I worry less and I feel happier. I go with the flow more and feel more at ease. I also feel more grateful. Everyone should give this one at least 21 days. Thank you for this one Vitoria.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have recently started listening to this and it really helps in feeling good. I hope it has long term positive impact with regular use.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
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latest reviews from our customers

I own many hyptalk products, and I really enjoy them. At certain moments in my life they help me to feel better, more empowered, optimistic, etc.

This one, however, was very disappointing, I am sorry to say. I just bought it and tried it on immediately because I am obsessing about several things from my past that make me feel resentful and angry. The information about this product talks about letting go of the past and the future, so I though it would help, but the only thing it does is take you through a meadow and tell you to focus on the grass, the sky, the cottage, etc. I had to stop listening before it ended because I thought it was a waste of time and I was constantly thinking about my stuff. Thinking for 20 min on a field of grass definitely was not helpful.

I don´t know why I can´t listen in my computer (a Mac) to the sample on the website. Had I been able to know what it was about, I wouldn´t have wasted my money. Sorry.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This recording has helped me so much. When you embrace the present moment and live in it, everything is just smoother. I stress less, I worry less and I feel happier. I go with the flow more and feel more at ease. I also feel more grateful. Everyone should give this one at least 21 days. Thank you for this one Vitoria.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
I have recently started listening to this and it really helps in feeling good. I hope it has long term positive impact with regular use.
*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.