
Sexual Issues

Sexual Issues

Sex can and should be wonderful because it is the physical expression of intimacy, which is love and respect being shared in mutual good and harmony. One of the nation's outstanding hypnotherapists is also a psychologist and he has stated that good sex is simply an erotic trance. When the similarities between hypnosis and satisfying sex are considered, he is quite correct. Effective hypnosis involves high focus and concentration on the intention and so does effective sex. In hypnosis, there is a strong response to suggestions; in sex, there is a strong response to stimulation.

When problems develop in sexual performance or enjoyment, it has been my experience that there is some underlying cause which can be detected during a hypnotic regression.

During the first of what is usually a four-session program, we will go through an extensive background questionnaire. This usually helps me to pinpoint some areas we can work in under hypnosis during the remaining sessions.

Sexual fulfillment is composed of emotional, mental and physical responses - in that order, as most experts agree. Psychological factors precede physical experiences; therefore, it is only natural that hypnosis should play an increasingly positive role in the correction of such problems through mental persuasion. The inability to function seldom begins in the flesh but rather in the flash of images in the mind. The fantasy or failure takes over.
We perceive our body in three ways:

   1. What we are taught in childhood.
   2. What we imagine through fantasy.
   3. What we feel through our senses.

Too often we have been conditioned to view our sexual bodies as less than perfect. Because of this we have to use corrective imagery and sensory awakening to restore proper feeling and functions. Hypnosis trains you to change your inner view and explore your real feeling. Negative memories, no matter how distant in the past, have a tendency to be the cause of reduced pleasurable sensations because of the extreme vulnerability of sexual issue to thought. In no area of human function is response to thought so immediate.

In hypnotherapy you learn how to convert negative repressive images into positive, releasing ones.

The variety of psychogenic sexual disorders which respond well to hypnosis:

Male Problems
Female Problems
Premature ejaculation Disinterest, analgesia
Inability to get an erection Clitoral exclusivity
Fetishes (fur, leather, etc.) Inability to reach orgasm
Fear of penetration of vagina Fear of pregnancy

There are also problems that affect both genders including the need to develop better sexual communication in order to prolong and intensify the pleasurable experience of intercourse.
Sex Problems Which Affect Both Genders:
Overactive or Underactive Sex Drive

Inhibition, Anxiety, Sense of Guilt
Fixation on (or Rejection of) Masturbation
Disgust and Aversion to Oral Sex
Compulsive Promiscuity, Absence of Emotion
Latent Homosexual Desires, Trasvestism

Both men and women have problems functioning sexually sometimes. It usually happens when the mind interferes, thinking in ways that cause feelings of insecurity. When a man is trying too hard to impress a woman with his prowess or a woman is worrying about her looks or whether she will become pregnant, the mind shuts off feeling. Also, the overflow of stress or work-related pressures pulling on the individual energy can affect sexual activity by becoming over-or-under active or even stop almost completely. There is no way to separate the sense of self from the body and if the mind is overwhelmed and stressed, so will the body respond or not.

It is also important to remember that there are physical factors that can cause sexual dysfunction. These include diabetes, obesity, drinking and the use of assorted drugs prescribed for high blood pressure and depression. The most common cause of sexual problems, however, is psychological: the expectation of failure. Wherever there is the though of I can't! There is also the thought of I can!

Expectation + Action = Accomplishment.

Additionally, blaming others is a sure way to get and stay stuck. Only by admitting we choose what we experience and experience what we choose, at some level of ourselves as a spiritual purpose of personal growth, do we accept responsibility and can begin the process of conscious choices. When we accept everything we have experienced in the past, and not for right/wrong or any kind of blaming, but for the fact that Now is the only place we can begin to choose new ways to live. Hypnosis brings mind-control through thought patrol and your imagination can take you as high as you choose to experience.

The mind has greater power than any drug, alcohol or marijuana in the world. Those who learn mind-mastery over their bodies can reach wonderful heights of ecstasy. The basic reason that hypnosis has proved to be so dramatically useful in solving sexual problems is that both hypnosis and sexual intercourse take place in an altered state of consciousness called alpha-theta. Sexual foreplay requires the same level of concentrated thought as the hypnoidal trance.


Couples Hypnosis
  • Create a Strong Healthy Relationship.
  • Fall in Love all over again.
  • Be Understood and Understand your partner more .