
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

Quit Smoking!

It is never too late to quit smoking

Medical authorities contend that cigarette smoking is the single most important source of preventable death. The annual death toll from diseases attributed to smoking, 350,000, is seven times the fatality rate of motor vehicle crashes and more than the total number of Americans killed in the World Wars, Korea and Vietnam combined.

With thanks to the aggressive anti-smoking campaign launched by C. Everett Koop, when he was the United States Surgeon General, many people have quit smoking.

No matter how long a person has smoked, when smoking is stopped, the body starts regenerating and becoming healthier.

The effects of Nicotine have a negative effect of your body and hypnosis can help you overcome its crave.
Below are some of the more popular methods of quitting smoking.

Method: Time Frame: Success Rate: Cost:
Smoke 1-pk/day* Unavailable 0% $1100.00
Nicoderm Patch** 12 weeks 30% $185.00
Nicotrol Patch** 6 weeks 30% $130.00
Nicorette Gum** Unavailable 30% $265.00
Zyban*** Unavailable Unavailable $250+
Hypnosis 2 weeks 90% $39.00

* The cost of this method does not include stained teeth, lost relationships, depreciation of homes or cars, health problems, and burned clothing.

** These methods continue to PUT nicotine INTO your system, so you still, eventually have to withdraw from nicotine.

***This method may have side effects including: dry mouth, difficulty sleeping, shakiness, skin rash, extreme nausea, dizziness, depression, a sense of being out of it. 1 in 1000 people who take Zyban will have a seizure.
Hypnosis and Quitting Smoking

You can quit smoking with Hypnosis. Smoking is a habit and habits can be changed.

Through hypnosis you can develop insight into the real reasons you smoke.

Stopping smoking is NOT a matter of willpower. You must recondition your subconscious mind with new information.

Even if you have tried to quit and failed before, you have a better chance of succeeding through the use of hypnosis.
My Two-Session Stop Smoking Program

The sessions are generally spread about a week apart.
Session One

You will bring to the session a list that you have prepared on your ten most negative I AM statements you say to yourself before lighting a cigarette after you have made a decision to quit smoking. We will go through a discovery process questionnaire so that I can get a thorough understanding of your specific situation with regard to smoking. During this process, I will be asking you to think about some other more positive habits you would like to replace your smoking with. You will be cutting down halfway on this session. So, we'll negotiate a few times or places where you will no longer smoke, i.e. your car, your house, etc. And we will be working together to create the affirmations I will use during hypnotherapy. I'll also give you a card with some personalized affirmations written on the back that you will read several times a day. During this week that you will be cutting down, you will listen to your tape DAILY. Your subconscious mind is becoming prepared to quit entirely on the following week.
Session Two

During this session we will go over your experiences from the previous week. Usually my clients have done better than they thought they would by this time. I will be make notes on your experiences and use the positive experiences to reinforce your reasons for quitting smoking and we'll work together to resolve any trouble spots. We'll do this hypnosis session on cutting it out altogether. You'll have a new tape to take home with you and listen to throughout the week.

Some of the questions you might think about before coming to see me are:

    * The main reason I am still smoking is....
    * My biggest fear about continuing to smoke is....
    * The biggest fear about becoming a nonsmoker is
    * The main reason I want to become a nonsmoker is
    * Who is the only one who can guarantee your success?

What I can promise you is this. If you make a commitment that you will follow my instructions to the letter:

   1. Quitting smoking will be easier than it has ever been in your entire life.
   2. You might occasionally get an urge to smoke however there are tools in place that will help you to overcome those urges and they will diminish.
   3. If you agree to and do the following and you don't succeed the first time, you can come back for free when you are ready.

(There are no exceptions on these at all.)

    * Listen to CD everyday.
    * Read affirmations a minimum 5x a day.
    * Call a friend for support if you feel a strong urge to smoke.
    * List to ALL sessions at the same time.


Overcome Smoking
  • Live a longer, healthier life.
  • Easily lose the urge to smoke.
  • Create new health-conscious habits.