
Using Law of Attraction

How does The Law of Attraction Really Work?

The Law of Attraction means that whatever you give you focus and attention to is what you attract into your life.  In other words, your dominant thoughts ultimately manifest themselves into reality.

Napoleon Hill, famous author of the book "Think and Grow Rich" said: “Thoughts Are Things” 

Even to this day, so many people still do not understand just how profound and true that concept really is.

It is a powerful statement, but it gets misinterpreted so easily and this confusion about what is really meant by that statement causes many to bring the whole "Law of Attraction" theory into question.

The movie "The Secret" with its cast of new thought teachers such as Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, John Assaruf, and countless others was a new awakening for many people, who were unfamiliar with the concept.

With the basic premise of the movie; "Ask, Believe, and Receive" and the big Genie in the sky, however, one could easily take the movie out of it's proper context and walk away having false hope that the Law of Attraction is solely based on thinking alone. 

While I personally love this inspirational movie, the truth goes much deeper.  The Law of Attraction is harnessing the Power of your Mind in such a way that causes your thinking, your feelings, your actions, and behaviors to become aligned with what you really want.

As simple as the concept is, it's NOT that easy for people to change their thoughts and their feelings, because our subconscious minds are laden with years and years of automatic negative thinking, roughly 95% of which are repetitive or negative in some way.

So, while you may consciously try and will yourself to "think positive" or will yourself to "feel the good feelings" that conscious mind is no contender against the all mighty subconscious mind which maintains all your programming.

Yes, the reality you create starts with your thoughts, but your thoughts are primarily influenced by and influence your subconscious mind.

If prior to learning Law of Attraction 95% of your thinking was on automatic pilot and negative ... learning at a conscious level about the Law of Attractionjust knowing the information isn't automatically going to shift you and your habitual way of thinking.

What happens then, is people will find out about the Law of Attraction, and just like with a new diet program or any sort of new habit, people will get really excited about it for a week or two, and then when what they are trying to manifest doesn't show up, they lose hope and go back to their old way of thinking.

Old habits die hard.

So, what can one do?  

Remember, everything does begin with a thought. Like thoughts attract like thoughts.  Everything that has ever been invented or created began with a single thought.  The manifestation from thought to reality is brought forth by consistently holding that same thought.  Eventually that thought puts you into let's call it a zone.  You know how sometimes you have been in the zone; and when you get into "the zone" things sort of become a bit more effortless. It's like that in a lot of ways.  

Putting it another way, it's like when there is an idea out on the table and you are brainstorming with some people about it.  The ideas may come slowly at first, but when you keep putting more and more ideas out there, it becomes contagious and your ideas begin to lift off.  The ideas come more frequently and effortlessly.

That is the energy working in your favor.  When you have that unwavering faith and certainty and high level of committment, you become an unstoppable force.  

Now the subconscious mind is crystal clear  and it becomes a command that MUST be carried out to fruition.  And that is why you need to stay focused on what you DO want, so that you continue sending the correct messages to your subconscious mind.  Don't keep wavering and changing your mind and thinking about whether you can have it or not.  Just commit to it fully in mind and emotion.  You will eventually have it.

So, I redefine Law of Attraction as "A state of mind where new resources become available to you that make getting what you want more effortless."

For help in gaining a deeper understanding, of how Law of Attraction works at an unconscious level of mind grab a copy of Mastering the Law of Attraction.

Mastering the Law of Attraction
  • Learn how to Raise Your Vibration.
  • Improve Visualization.
  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs.

Feel Good Energy
  • Achieve and maintain positive energy.
  • Easier to attract what you want.
  • Gain more control over your life.