
Four Tips on Getting More Money and the Law of Attraction

Money is one of the top things people want to manifest more of in their life. Whether it’s for financial freedom or to support a local charity, people attract money into their lives for many reasons. If you’re looking to use the Law of Attraction to manifest more financial wealth in your life, there are ways for you to obtain your financial goals and dreams.

1. Let go of needing more money.

Focusing on how you need more money will only bring circumstances into your life that make you feel like you need more money. Instead of focusing on the feeling of need, focus on the feeling of already having more money. Express your gratitude to the Universe for the easy flow of money in the world and how the flow of money comes to you.

2. Be grateful for the money you already have in your possession.

Even if it’s a penny, be grateful for the money you have because the Universe will give you more money and money opportunities. Gratitude is a strong way to raise your positive feelings and encourage more positive thoughts, which is fantastic for increasing your overall vibration to send out to the Universe.

3. Change your thoughts from “can’t” to “can.”

Do you ever think or say “I can’t afford that” when you pass by something expensive that you want? Change that thought right away! No matter if you don’t have the money right now to buy it or how big or small the item is, always change your thoughts to “I can afford that.” When you say “can” instead of “can’t,” you open your mind up and believe that you can afford anything you want. This belief settles into your subconscious mind over time as you continue to think it, and you’ll be able to attract more money to buy what you want or attract a situation where the item goes on a major sale so that you can afford it with the money you already have in your bank account.

4. Don’t be so serious about money.

Although money is necessary for bills and other required payments, you don’t need to use money just for those types of payments. Otherwise, you will only attract the need to have money to fulfill those payments. Try to have more fun with money by setting aside a small percentage of your income to use for anything you want. The purpose is to blow all the money in the play money account. When you do this, you open up your frequency and send out energy to the Universe that money is fun and you want more of it to have more fun. Money doesn’t always have to be used for the “serious stuff.”

When you use the Law of Attraction to bring more money into your life, you must understand that money, just like energy, flows everywhere. There is always a constant flow of money, and you can have that money flow come to you more often with LOA.

Attract Money - using LOA - Audio Book
  • Gain a millionaire mindset.
  • Become financially empowered.
  • Attract wealth.

Mastering the Law of Attraction
  • Learn how to Raise Your Vibration.
  • Improve Visualization.
  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs.

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  • Life-Changing Tool.
  • Motivates you to take action.