
Using the Law of Attraction for Weight Loss

3 Simple Tips on Using the Law of Attraction for Weight Loss

Any goal you want to accomplish requires the right mentality. Weight loss is most likely one of the top things people want, but with countless diets and exercise plans, it can be hard for people to lose weight because they want a shortcut. Unfortunately, when a shortcut is used to lose weight, people can get optimal results for a temporary time and end up back where they started. With the Law of Attraction, though, weight loss can be easy and effortless. Discover how you can use this famous universal law to lose those unwanted pounds.

1. Use affirmations daily.

By using affirmations for weight loss daily, your mind will adjust to them and start thinking them naturally. If you have an ideal weight, you can have an affirmation saying, “I am pounds/kilos.” Even if you aren’t at your ideal weight yet, creating an affirmation for it will help you reach your goal. Remember to jot down your affirmations and keep them with you everywhere you go so that you can repeat them to yourself throughout the day. You should also make it a habit to say your affirmations after you wake up and before you go to bed.

2. Feel that you already have your dream body.

Don’t wait until you’ve reached your weight goal to feel happy. Feelings and thoughts go hand-in-hand when it comes to making your dreams real. If you wait to feel happy when you get your dream body, you are focusing on the feeling of lack, which will delay your manifestation. Know that, in this moment, you have your dream body, and focus on that feeling to rev up your vibration. If you need to get into that feeling of having your dream body now, ask yourself these questions: How would it feel to have a smaller waist and less weight to carry around? How would it feel to wear the clothes I want to wear instead of wearing them to cover up extra pounds? How would it feel to be at my ideal weight? Remember that change starts from the inside, so don’t let outside circumstances control how you feel.

3. Create a vision board.

Cut out pictures of people who have bodies that are similar to or are your ideal body shape. Create a collage on a poster or corkboard, and use this as your vision board for your ideal body shape/weight. You can even get a picture of yourself, cut out your face and tape/paste it onto the bodies, which will help you increase your feelings of already having your dream body. But make sure that you use this vision board as a positive tool rather than using it to beat yourself up or create feelings of lack when you see the pictures.

When you use the Law of Attraction to lose weight, you must understand that the Universe follows more than one law to create balance. If you create unrealistic weight loss goals, such as losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks, then you may end up disappointed that you don’t get what you want. The Universe follows natural laws, so losing weight for you may be slow and steady; but know that you will reach your goal as long as you believe and be patient and persistent.

Secrets to Your Ideal Weight
  • Change Your Self-image.
  • Create Positive Habits.
  • Find Your Ideal Weight.

Dream Body Affirmations
  • Create a dream body.
  • Become motivated to get in shape.
  • Achieve a new physical appearance.

Ultimate Weight Loss Power Pack
  • Learn the secret to natural weight loss.
  • Improve your Health and Well-Being.
  • Successfully maintain your weight.