
Law of Attraction Exercises

3 Effective and Important Law of Attraction Exercises

The Law of Attraction happens constantly because it’s one of 12 universal laws, so there’s absolutely no way to avoid it. However, many people want to use it to attract the things they want in their life. When you focus on the Law of Attraction, there are a few ways to manifest what you want more often and create the life you want. With these simple Law of Attraction exercises, using the Law of Attraction will be easier and effortless each time.

1. Make a daily list of the things you want to manifest.

The Universe is like a magical department store where you can get absolutely anything you want. When you’re running errands or at work, keep a list or journal of the things you want. Writing down the things you want will help you let go of your desires and avoid focusing on them too much, which can cause you to have to feeling of lack and resistance. Right when you think of something you want, you’ll feel positive and happy about it, so write it down immediately while keeping those positive feelings. The pressure to make it an effort in manifesting what you want will be taken off your shoulders when you jot down the things you want daily.

2. Meditate daily.

Meditation is incredibly important when it comes to using the Law of Attraction. Meditation gives you a clear head and enables all the positive, calm emotions in you, which raises your vibration and energy levels. By meditating daily for at least 15 minutes per day, you’ll get into the habit of clearing your mind and letting go of negative thoughts and feelings. This helps you make room for thoughts and feelings you do want, so make time to meditate to gain the benefit of obtaining a clear mind.

3. Start small.

When you first get into practicing the Law of Attraction, start manifesting small things into your life first. “Small” manifestations are different for each person, so you can decide what “small” thing you want to attract. For instance, if you see stray cats in your neighborhood a lot, you can attract one by thinking, “I have seen one black stray cat in my neighborhood today.” You should also visualize seeing the stray cat to amplify your feelings and send out stronger vibrations to the Universe. Afterward, let go of your desires and go on with your day. If you focus too much on what you want to manifest, it can create a feeling of lack rather than a feeling of already having. Be sure to take a few minutes to visualize and think about the small manifestation before letting it go, though.

With a life of limiting beliefs and negative thoughts, it will take practice to get back into using the Law of Attraction naturally and effortlessly. Since the Law of Attraction is a natural universal law, it is always working, so using these exercises will help make it work to your advantage.

Mastering the Law of Attraction
  • Learn how to Raise Your Vibration.
  • Improve Visualization.
  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs.