
How to Build Self-Confidence

By Victoria Gallagher, C.M. Ht.

While this is not covered in any of my self-confidence sessions, I would like to share with you one of the best ways that I know of that you can create self-confidence and self-esteem.

Keeping Your Word

Here’s the deal. Your self-confidence is based upon what you believe is possible for you to achieve and accomplish. It’s how you feel about yourself. It’s how you project yourself to others.

Your subconscious mind remembers everything and is always listening. It’s like a tape-recorder that is constantly recording everything. When you say to yourself: I am going to work out today. Then the end of the day comes and you decide to blow this off, you have broken your word with yourself. It doesn’t matter if you said it out loud, wrote it down, told someone else, or said it silently to yourself; you have broken your word.

Your subconscious mind remembers this, the next time you go to do this; it is going to be that much more difficult. Every time you break your word with yourself an element of doubt is created. You are creating a program and training your mind to NOT do what you say you are going to do. It’s literally like an anchor. Saying you will do something, and not doing it, ultimately result in that always being the case with you.

At this point you develop a lack of self-confidence in your ability to achieve anything.

Start out small. Begin by setting very small little goals for yourself that you absolutely know you can and will do. Set yourself up to WIN. Make a new agreement with yourself every day that you will keep. Soon, these little wins will begin to change the way you see yourself and that you are a person of high integrity and commitment and when you say you will do something you do it. As you see this happening, your self-confidence will grow stronger and you will be able to take on more difficult goals and achieve them with ease because you know that you can achieve anything.

You will have achieved a new level of achievement, self-worth, and personal power to do anything that you set out to do.


Unlimited Self-Confidence
  • Confidence Boosting affirmations.
  • Lift yourself up anytime you want.
  • Become more productive.